First Generation Students

Diversity Resources

First Generation Students

Campus Resources

Jobs on Campus

Tips to successfully secure employment on campus:

Submit a strong resume: Please review our resume writing resources to learn how to create a strong resume. You can also schedule an appointment with your career counselor or visit us during resume walk-in hours to have your resume reviewed.

Reach out: Consider sending an email to the director of the department you’re applying to work for and introduce yourself. You can briefly mention that you have applied for their open position and that you are looking forward to meeting with them and discussing the opportunity and your qualifications.

Prepare for your interview: An on-campus job interview is still a job interview. Please review our interview resources, and schedule an appointment with your career counselor to successfully prepare for your upcoming interview. Do not forget to dress professionally for your interviews!

Career Resources

  • Ten-week summer program for undergraduate students who are the first in their immediate families to attend an institution of higher education, and who are passionate about pursuing careers in social justice.

  • Provide students who lack a family history of higher education with inspiration, information, and support on the road to and through college!

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