Let our Career Counselors help you to develop effective job searching strategies. Learn how to use, social media, networking, as well as personal and professional contacts to uncover the hidden job market. Understand how to best utilize the internet to discover job opportunities and how to get noticed in your job search.
You may schedule an appointment through your Handshake account, by calling the Career Development Center at 305-899-4010 or stopping by our office in Landon 205.
Job Posting and Career Services Platform
Find Your Dream Job/Internship
Handshake is the Career Development Center's online job posting and career management system that enables Barry University students and alumni to search for jobs and internships and to find helpful career resources.
Handshake allows you to quickly build out a rich profile that helps you stand out when employers search for students. Handshake personalizes career recommendations based on your interests and connections, helping you discover exciting new opportunities.