Tips For A Successful Career Fair/Event

Career Development Center

Tips For A Successful Career Fair/Event

(Note: This tip sheet was condensed from an article in the August 1, 1997, issue of Spotlight, with permission of the National Association of Colleges and Employers, copyright holder.)

  • Send Your Alumni Back to Campus: Barry University alumni are proud of their institution and love to return to their alma mater. Alumni who are outstanding communicators are great representatives for your organization.
  • Attend a Career Fair Even If You’re Not Hiring: Maintain Your Presence. Even though your organization may not be hiring, it is very important that you maintain a consistent campus presence. Students are attracted to those companies that have shown a commitment to the university. Be honest with students about your hiring need but explain potential future opportunities. Also, consider advertising or sponsoring campus events.
  • Your Campus Team Should Reflect Organizational Diversity: Barry University’s student body is rich in diversity which is why many organizations target the university. Homogeneity in a recruiting team may cause suspicion or wariness among students.
  • Staff Your Booth Appropriately: Prepare for the peaks and valleys. As you arrive, you will notice students eagerly gathered outside of the venue, but at other times, there are fewer students. Design an overlapping shift schedule so there is always adequate staffing at your booth and make sure you stay until the end!
  • Integrate High Tech and High Touch: Multimedia displays and impressive technology will attract students to your booth/table; however, remember to complement the display with knowledgeable team members. Avoid simply telling students to visit your website. Collect resumes even if applicants must apply online. Collecting resumes shows interest and makes a favorable impression.
  • Giveaways Attract Job Prospects: Branding and recall go a long way. Identify a giveaway that will generate interest and link it to your recruiting message. Always have enough to make it through the day.
  • Be Very Careful About Shipping Materials and Have a Back-Up Plan: We provide instructions about shipping in your confirmation materials and on our website; however, you should always have a Plan B in case your materials don’t arrive. Your fellow recruiters recommend carrying 50 or so copies of your materials with you, just in case.
  • Pursue Several Goals While at the Career Fair: Make your time in Miami as productive as possible! In addition to attending the fair, schedule opportunities to meet with key people on campus. Faculty members and relevant student organizations may all be valuable resources towards your recruiting efforts. You may also choose to schedule on campus interviews the day after the fair or in the weeks following it.
  • Follow Up, Follow Up, Follow Up: Once you’ve attracted a quality group of prospective employees, don’t miss the opportunity to keep them interested. Determine your follow-up strategy, prior to the fair.

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