
Writing Center

Tutoring Policies, Limits, and Guidelines

  • The Writing Center offers assistance on writing and writing-related topics only.
  • Students will be seen on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Simply sign in at the computer station. You must swipe or key in your Barry student ID card. If you do not remember your ID number and/or do not have your ID card with you, please sign in to Self-Service to look up your ID number.
  • Sign in your first and last names on the sheet located on the table at the computer station if there is a waiting line.
  • Review your writing assignment at least once before presenting it to the writing tutor.
  • Proofread your paper while you are waiting for the next available tutor.
  • Be prepared to make changes to your paper as our writing tutors will only make suggestions and recommendations.
  • Note the 30 minute time limit on a single visit, which means assignments that are long or have many problems may require more than one session.
  • If your paper is longer than 10 pages, you may schedule an hour appointment with the Writing Center tutor. Call Dr. Olena Drozd, the Writing Center/Reading Center Coordinator at (305) 899-4902 or e-mail at odrozd@barry.edu. Do not schedule appointments with tutors. Please note, however, that appointments are not required.
  • Plan ahead and come early - before the day your assignment is due.
  • Do not bring in a last minute paper because you may need more than 20 – 30 minutes to prepare it for submission to your instructor.

Printing and Computer Use Policies

Students are expected to bring hard copies of their papers to the Writing Center. To print a paper, students can utilize the printing kiosk located in Garner Hallway.

  • The computers in the Writing Center are reserved for students working on their papers only.

General Policies

  • Cellular phones must be put to vibrate or silent to ensure effective learning environment. If students need to take or make a call, they should excuse themselves and leave the room.
  • In order to ensure and maintain professional learning environment, eating any kind of food is not allowed in the Writing Center/Reading Center. Coffee and sodas are fine as long they have lids.
  • All Barry University students are expected to behave according to accepted norms that ensure a climate wherein all can exercise their right to learn. Such norms are set forth in the undergraduate catalogue, under School of Arts and Sciences, Guidelines for Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility. No faculty member, including Writing Center/Reading Center tutors, will tolerate lab behavior that violates these norms. Such behavior will be grounds for withdrawal from the Writing Center/Reading Center. If warranted, students engaging in such behavior will be removed from the Writing Center/Reading Center by security personnel and may be required to undergo counseling.

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