Note: Given the restrictions of COVID-19, college prep testing requirements for dual enrollment program admittance will be suspended for the Fall 2020 semester. Students still need to have at least a 3.0 unweighted GPA and be a junior or senior. Also, to qualify for a pre-calculus course for the Fall 2020 semester, you must have at least a 3.5 unweighted GPA and an A in your previous Algebra II course. Please contact your guidance counselor to apply.
Students qualify for admission to the Dual Enrollment program when they are identified by the High School Liaison as students with a junior or senior standing and have a 3.0 or better unweighted grade point average on a 4.0 scale. Students must attend one of the partner high schools for the dual enrollment program. Eligible students must also have a minimum writing/language/sentence skills test score on the PERT, SAT, ACT, or Accuplacer Classic test. Additional minimum Mathematics test scores will be required for dual enrollment Mathematics and Science courses.
New Dual Enrollment students need to fill out the online Dual Enrollment Admissions Application Form, Authorization Form, and FERPA Form. All forms should be submitted to their high school Guidance Counselor who will share all materials with the Office of Dual Enrollment at Barry.
Once students have submitted their application form, authorization form, and FERPA form, to the High School Liaison and have been properly vetted, the High School Liaison will submit all forms to the Office of Dual Enrollment. The Office of Dual Enrollment will then work with the University Registrar to register students and provides the High School Liaison with a roster for each dual enrollment course. High School Liaisons will review and verify the accuracy of course rosters.
Below: Minimal scores for baseline student dual enrollment participation. Students must have taken at least one of these tests with these minimal scores to qualify as a dual enrollment student.
1719Accuplacer Classic83
Below: Students hoping to get into the higher level math courses must have these minimal scores in Math, specifically, and must have a minimal score in the other subjects as listed above.
SATACTPERTBarry Math Placement
College Algebra26.521123