Queen’s College (Bahamas)

Dual Enrollment

How to Register

School Website: www.qchenceforth.com 

Courses Offered: GEB 1011 

DE High School Liaison: Ms. Alexia Tsavoussis, Staff and Student Development Coordinator | E-Mail: atsavoussis@qccomets.com    

Online Application and Registration Process: Students must contact High School Liaison to access application link and instructions. 


Course Descriptions

  • This course is open to all Barry University students who want to understand what business is, what it does and its role in society. The purpose of this course is threefold: 1) to introduce students to the academic opportunities and activities offered by the Andreas School of Business as well as to its professors; 2) to help students to develop the cognitive skills they need to understand the principles and mechanics that regulate everyday business life; and 3) to prepare students to deal effectively with the challenges of contemporary life, including issues in the business-society relationship, its history, world events, economic issues and future expectation. 

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