Conducting research in the summer at a larger, research-focused institution or in a government lab is a great way to gain experience and learn about chemistry in an applied way. You will experience chemistry in a real-world setting, get hands-on time with research-grade instruments, gain the excitement of discovery, interact with faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students at nationally recognized research institutions, and prepare for graduate school (or try out what grad school will be like, to see if it's for you). The duration of internships varies but it is usually 10 weeks. Many of the programs are federally funded and provide coverage for living expenses and/or student stipends. Participation in these programs strengthens your application to graduate and professional school.
Some links that will help you find and apply to Student Summer Research:
- The National Science Foundation's list of active Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) sites: Each REU site accepts 10-12 undergraduates each summer. Students receive stipends and, in most cases, assistance with housing and travel. Most sites are in the US, but some are international. Undergraduate students supported with NSF funds must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions. Some REU sites with supplementary funds from other sources may accept international students that are enrolled at US institutions. Click on a highlighted title to be taken to each site's webpage, where they will explain their program and give application instructions
- NSF also funds CSURP:
- Summer Research - Early Identification Program (SR-EIP). Summer research at a Leadership Alliance Institution.
- List of participating research sites:
- Summer Internship Program with the National Institutes of Health. Applications open mid-November
- Internship and Fellowship Opportunities in Science:
- Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) at the Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories:
- American Chemical Society's Get Experience site posts REUs, internship and co-op opportunities:
- The AAMC lists MD-PhD focused summer research programs:
- NASA internships:
- Oak Ridge national Labs Undergraduate Research:
- The ACS also lists International Research Opportunities. These are often for a year, not only one summer:
- If interested in experience working with a company rather than in an academic research setting, you might want to apply for an internship. You can use the "Get Experience" site above to look for internships. ACS also has the SCI Scholars Program: