This course provides an overview of the human communication discipline. Students will be introduced to various topics within Communication, including the rudiments of communication theory and a survey of communication contexts (e.g., interpersonal, small group, organizational, public, mass, and intercultural).
Television and Digital Media (BA) Curriculum Requirements in the major (45 credits)
Departmental Requirements (3 Credits)
Media Foundations (15 Credits)
Processes, systems, and effects of the printed and electronic media; the role of newspapers, magazines, movies, radio, and television.
This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental theories of mass communication and the role that these theories play in our understanding of the socio-cultural impact media have on society. It emphasizes the forms and effects of media and explains how these influence the structure and performance of media as well as the creation, reception and interpretation of mass media messages
Introduction to research methodology for public relations and advertising. Includes planning, measurement, evaluation, and reporting of results. Prerequisites: MAT 152 or permission from the instructor and Junior or Senior standing.
Critical examination of the impact of advertising on society and culture. Advertising’s role in the formation of trends, social habits, and other patterns of behavior as they pertain to multiple groups within society. Prosocial uses of advertising will also be discussed.
Studies in the current laws governing the mass media. Role of the FCC, libel, privacy, and First Amendment issues.
News Reporting (9 Credits)
Covers the fundamentals of modern journalism, both writing and production. Students learn about writing styles for specific types of articles, about copy editing and proofreading, typography, page make-up, advertising, and journalism ethics.
Includes discussion and application of gate keeping functions:Researching, writing, taping and editing news stories for radio, television and the internet.
Develops skills for positions of news producer and reporter. Includes news writing, analysis of news stories and their relative merit, and production considerations in assembling a newscast.
Media Production (13 credits)
Studio production theory and practice; hands-on experience in basic production, direction, and technical operations of a studio.
Development of skills in communication related settings.
This course presents a practical survey of digital and emerging communication platforms. Students learn about institutional, ethical, and design issues that shape the production of content for digital/emerging media and how to produce multimedia content such as hypertext, digital images, podcasts, and videos within the context of well-planned communication campaigns
Advanced television production techniques including electronic editing, special effects, and electronic field production. Completion of an individual creative project is required.
The final stage in the life of a production, before air, occurs in the editing room. This course has two main thrusts: hands-on practical instruction in the use of digital non-linear (computer-based) editing systems, and in-depth, intense examination of the aesthetics and communication considerations that motivate the choices in the editing room.
Capstone and Integrative Experience (5 Credits)
The senior capstone course in television and digital media is designed to put into practice the knowledge that students have acquired throughout their program of study. Students will utilize their skills in research, writing and production, for multiple platforms, while applying ethical standards, in producing independent project(s) that will contribute towards their portfolios.
Practical experience in communication in a professional setting. CR/NC grade; unpaid internships only.
Advanced development of skills in communication related settings.