Requires 21 credits of TH courses. A minimum grade of C is required in all required in all courses. Minor includes an overview of drama and theatre, in terms of history, performance, technical aspects and criticism, and theoretical aspects of the theatre process, and offers opportunities for students to apply skills onstage and/or backstage. A complimentary minor to any field of study.
Enhance your performance skills with a Minor in Theatre
Required Theatre Core for Minors (9):
Explores the nature and existence of theater as a collaborative art form: its artists, craftsmen, practices, products, traditions and historical perspectives.
This course will introduce the student to the improvisation techniques of social awareness, individual connection and mental agility. These will be achieved through basic short and long form games, sketch writing and stand-up writing/performance.
An eclectic, performance-oriented course designed to introduce, develop and reinforce fundamental acting skills and techniques.
Theatre Electives for Minors (Must be advised by Theatre Professor) (12):
A survey class examining the various technical and artistic facets of a live theatrical production.
Beginning technical theater lab with focus on backstage operations and crew assignments. Emphasis on practical application in actual productions. (Repeatable course). TH majors and minors only.
Intermediate technical theater lab with focus on backstage operations and crew assignments. Emphasis on practical application in actual productions. Prerequisite: TH 111. (Repeatable course) Prerequisite: Take TH-111
Emphasis on the development and use of techniques for in-depth research and analysis of characters. Prerequisite: TH 155.
A workshop course designed to reinforce performance techniques through the performing of selected scenes. Prerequisite: TH 155
Involvement in a full-length play on the mainstage. Admission by audition or faculty approval. (Repeatable courses)
Involvement in a full-length play on the mainstage. Admission by audition or faculty approval. (Repeatable courses)
The course will offer guidelines for the study of dramatic structure and methods of script analysis as a preparation for writing, directing, designing, and performing. It will focus on understanding the complexity of a play's construction. Corequisite: ENG-112 or ENG-210 TH-100 or TH-155
A history of theater production from Aeschylus to Shakespeare, with selected readings from Greek, Roman, Medieval and Renaissance dramatic literature. Same as ENG 439.
A history of theatre production from Restoration to Realism, with selected readings from French neo-classical comedy and tragedy, English restoration comedy and Continental realism. Same as ENG 440.