High School EMT Program

Emergency Medical Services

Begin Your Career as an EMT

High school students: Get a jump-start on your career with the Emergency Medical Technician program from Barry University! You can earn your EMT Certification right at your own school.

With a certification from Barry University’s High School Emergency Medical Technician Program, you can respond to the needs of your community in a fast-growing crucial field. Barry is committed to your success and our program exceeds State of Florida requirements giving you a strong foundation to sit for the National Registry Emergency Medical Technician (NREMT) certification exam and embark on a rewarding career.

  • Learn from experienced instructors and paramedics
  • Develop your technical communication and problem-solving skills
  • Complete externships and ambulance Fire Rescue rides with partner institutions in Miami-Dade and Broward County
  • State-approved program

Become an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)!

Barry University
HS-EMT Program

High School EMT Program Coordinator
Peter Bernstein
(305) 767-9432

See below for course descriptions, participating high schools, and registration forms.


How to Register

Complete the forms in the student registration packet below and submit them to Mike Sica msica@mccarthyhigh.org For all remaining inquiries, please email pberstein@barry.edu.

Cardinal Gibbons High School

How to Register

Complete the forms in the student registration packet below and submit them to Kathryn Reeber at Reeber@cghsfl.org. For all remaining inquiries, please email pberstein@barry.edu.

Christopher Columbus High School

How to Register

Complete the forms in the student registration packet below and submit them to Matthew Chica at mchica@columbushs.com. For all remaining inquiries, please email pberstein@barry.edu.

Mater Lakes Academy

How To Register

Complete the forms in the student registration packet below and submit them to Chris Wydra Cw31601@yahoo.com. For all remaining inquiries, please email pberstein@barry.edu.

Monsignor Edward Pace High School

How to Register

Complete the forms in the student registration packet below and submit them to Alexis Mariner Amariner@pacehs.com. For all remaining inquiries, please email pberstein@barry.edu.

Somerset Academy

How to Register

Complete the forms in the student registration packet below and submit them to Andrew Vega avega@somersetacademy.com. For all remaining inquiries, please email pberstein@barry.edu.

South Plantation High School

How to Register

Complete the forms in the student registration packet below and submit them to Julie Drapkin. For all remaining inquiries, please email pberstein@barry.edu.


How to Register

Complete the forms in the student registration packet below and submit them to Coordinator Dr. Jane Spanich jane.curry@aquinas-sta.org  For all remaining inquiries, please email pberstein@barry.edu.

Course Descriptions

  • The lecture component is designed to introduce EMT concepts and clinical skills and integrate this knowledge with beginning basic life support applications. Emphasis is placed on EMS Systems, illness and injury prevention, medical-legal issues, patient assessment, airway management and ventilation, pathophysiology, pharmacology, as well as shock and decision making regarding appropriate interventions for identified problems. Must be passed with grade of C or higher. Prerequisite: CPR certificate

    The lab component is designed to reinforce concepts and clinical skills learned during the EMT level lecture and to integrate this knowledge with beginning basic life support concepts and skills. The laboratory exercises include a review of EMT skills, patient assessment, airway management, basic medication administration, splinting/bandaging and triaging patients. Must be passed with a C or higher. Prerequisites CPR certificate. Co-Requisite, EMS 0941

  • This course provides the student with initial field ride experiences, which fosters the development of leadership skills; expands and further develops clinical skills; and allows the student observer to participate in BLS emergencies. Furthermore, this course provides an opportunity for each student to develop competency in clinical skills within the hospital setting. This module stresses the integration of basic computer skills, patient assessment techniques, application of basic life support skills and techniques. The clinical experiences include emergency departments, possible medical examiner’s office (autopsy), and geriatric and mental health facilities. Must be passed with a C or higher. EMS 0941 Ambulance/Fire Rescue ride times offered through public and private ambulance and fire rescue organizations in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Prerequisites CPR certificate, Co-requisite EMS 0110C.

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