Professional Development Series

Education Program


Wednesday, April 5 - Ethical Challenges in the Workplace

Ethical decisions may be trickier than we think. First, engaging leaders must demonstrate both fairness and compassion. Sometimes, these two critical demands clash. Second, leaders may feel closer to some employees than to others. Proximity tends to change the way we reason about ethical decisions. The presenter will share the results of a study involving more than 1,000 professionals, suggest the implications of her findings, and offer recommendations for leaders.

  • Time: 12 - 1:00 pm
  • Format: Virtual
  • 1 SHRM Professional Development Unit Register HERE

Wednesday, May 3 - Barnga!

How strong are your intercultural communication skills? BARNGA is a fun and interactive game that introduces the challenges of intercultural encounters. At the end of the game, we will debrief the lessons learned and connect them to leadership in a diverse workplace.

  • Time: 12 - 1:30 pm
  • Format: Face-to-face
  • 1 SHRM Professional Development Unit Register HERE
  • A light lunch will be served

Wednesday, June 7 - First do no Harm! Effective Intercultural Practices

A critical medical tenet is “First do no harm.” When Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives ignore a group’s level of intercultural development, they could increase fear and prejudice and exacerbate in-group / out-group separation. In this thought-provoking presentation, the speaker addresses the problem and proposes solutions. Specifically, she shares a model of intercultural development, connects interventions to employees’ development stage, offers realistic and helpful tips, and introduces Conversity®, a simple and effective process to increase acceptance and respect in your organization. This program can be run as a shorter keynote or as a four-hour workshop.

  • Time: 12 - 1 pm
  • Format: Virtual
  • 1 SHRM Professional Development Unit Register HERE

For additional information, please contact:

Dr. Walter Washington
Tel: 321-409.5553

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