We are committed to preparing you for real-world practice. Our specialized assessment classes will prepare you to give and interpret test batteries. Other applied classes will prepare you with the skills to conduct individual and group therapy with children. As a result, you will be better prepared to work with children who have depression, anxiety disorders, and mental illnesses.
Specialist in School Psychology (SSP) Professional and Clinical Practice/Internships
Clinical Experiences
School Psychology Practicum
During the final year of your coursework (year two for students in the full-time program option), Students are placed one day each week in a school setting to observe school psychologists and special educational settings. Supervision is provided by Counseling faculty and an on-site supervisor.
Prerequisite: Approval by the faculty and acceptance by placement site.
School Psychology Internship
During the final year of the program (year three for students in the full-time program option), you will enter a competitive internship. These positions consist of 1,200 - 1,500 hours of supervised field training, and are designed to refine existing competencies in formal and informal assessment, consultation, and intervention.
This program allows you to apply to any relevant internship position in the country. Since many graduates are hired upon completion of their internship, it is advantageous for you to choose a position in the area in which you plan on living after graduation.
Prerequisites: Completion of all other coursework, approval by the faculty, and acceptance by placement site.
Additional Requirements
Because of the applied nature of the program and the variety of interpersonal relationships that the profession demands, successful applicants must demonstrate a high level of maturity and flexibility. The faculty in the School Psychology program reserves the right to recommend entry into personal counseling or psychotherapy as a condition of continuation in the School Psychology program. Internship placement and/or graduation from the program are recommended when students are personally and academically ready for entry into the profession.