Rehabilitation Sciences

Exercise Physiology, BS

Exercise Physiology (BS) Pre-Physical Therapy Specialization

The Rehabilitation Sciences Specialization within the Bachelor of Science Degree in Exercise Physiology (EXP-Rehab) is a 121 semester-hour program. This program will prepare students for a wide variety of health-related careers, same as the EXP major. This specialization goal is to specifically prepare students that are interested in Athletic Training and Physical Therapy graduate programs. The EXP-Rehab program has all the required fundamental courses, prerequisite courses, and exposure to the field of athletic training. Students will immerse in observation and field experience within the athletic training field starting at their first year. 

This specialization provides the opportunity for you to incorporate an in-depth understanding of the human body in motion into a science-laden curriculum thereby enabling you to develop skills in exercise prescription, proper techniques for performing and monitoring exercises, exercise adaptations required for special populations, and interpersonal communication skills.

Physical therapists provide rehabilitation services, injury prevention and health care maintenance through private clinics, clinical programs, and community organizations. A strong GRE score and satisfactory completion of pre-requisites, not receipt of a specific undergraduate major, are key to a successful PT school admissions decision. We provide you with practical skills and exposure to therapeutic modalities while simultaneously training you how to prevent injury and many diseases through properly performed physical activity and exercise. This will prepare you for success in PT school, and give you a broad background of employable skills from which you can draw.

Specialization Overview

Exercise Physiology is a field that investigates the effects that exercise and physical activity have on the human body – from the cellular level to one's overall perception of well-being and ability to engage in activities of daily living. In addition to completing the 17 credits in the physical sciences (including Chemistry, Physics, and Biology) required for a major in Exercise Physiology, you will gain the necessary interpersonal communication and exercise prescription skills when you pursue your pre-PT interests. Our Exercise Physiology curriculum prepares you with an in-depth understanding of how to properly utilize exercise and physical activity to improve the daily quality-of-life for otherwise healthy or clinical populations.

Our rigorous curriculum prepares you to perform and interpret assessments of personal and family medical histories, cardiorespiratory responses to exercise, medication-exercise interactions, body composition, as well as muscular strength and endurance. Furthermore, you will receive instruction on how to work with those requiring adaptive physical activity, as well as how to care for and prevent physical-use injuries. Your undergraduate curriculum culminates with a semester-long, full-immersion internship experience; many of our Exercise Physiology students have successfully completed their internships in outpatient and inpatient Physical Therapy clinics – this attracts favorable attention when part of an application to PT school.

Improving Your PT School Application

  • teamwork

    Developing Skills

    Our Human Performance Laboratory is the perfect setting to hone your skills. The extensive hands-on learning activities complement the classroom lectures, and all core courses have a separate lab component that enables you to experience each lesson.
  • bio research

    Conducting Research

    Highly motivated students can undertake research under the tutelage of our faculty.
  • certificate

    Strengthening Your Transcript

    If you are interested in adding a pre-physical therapy specialization to your exercise physiology curriculum, additional classes can be added based on the requirements as outlined by the Physical Therapy Centralized Application Service ( Your academic advisor can help you develop a plan of study for this option.

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