Minor in Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology

Sport & Exercise Sciences Programs

Sport & Exercise Sciences Programs Minor in Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology The minor is a 21 credit hour program designed specifically to service majors in the Kinesiology and Sport Sciences as well as those in other related programs, such as Psychology. A minor in SEPP will provide an overview of the principles, theories, and practices underlying the psychology of sport, exercise and performance.

Courses listed as specifically required are shown below each subject area and must be completed with a grade of C or better.

Required (15 credits)

PSY281 Introduction to Psychology (3)

SES335 Introduction to Sport Psychology (3)

SES337 Introduction to Exercise Psychology (3)

SES341 Psychology of Injury (3)

Choose one:

SES427 Applied Sport, Exercise, & Performance Psychology (3)


SES437 Research in Sport, Exercise, & Performance Psychology (3)

SES Elective (choose 1) – note some courses may have prerequisites:

SES270 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness (3)

SES326 Principles of Motor Learning (3)

SES328 Theories of Coaching in Sport, Fitness and Wellness (3)

SES330 Nutrition for Physical Performance (3)

SES340 Adapted Physical Activity, Recreation and Sport (3)

SES463 Physiology of Strength & Conditioning (3)

SES480 Contemporary Issues and Ethics in Sport & Exercise Sciences (3)

PSY Elective (choose 1) – note some courses may have prerequisites:

PSY283 Developmental Psychology (3)

PSY314 Abnormal Psychology (3)

PSY324 Industrial Psychology (3) Spring only

PSY325 Theories of Personality (3)

PSY351 Child/Adolescent Psychology (3)

PSY370 Social Psychology (3)

PSY390 Physiological Psychology (3)

PSY394 Substance Abuse (3)

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