Required Immunization

Physician Assistant Program

Application Procedures

The following list of vaccinations and immunizations are required prior to the first day of new student orientation. Each student must provide the Program (through the American Data Bank Immunization Tracking System) proof of compliance with Program student health requirements which include the listed vaccinations and immunizations. Proof includes documentation of series schedule and antibody titers. The costs are borne by the student.

These health requirements are based in part on the CDC Guidelines for Health Care Workers which may change periodically:

  • Hepatitis B
  • MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella)
  • Varicella (chickenpox)
  • Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis)
  • PPD status annually
  • Influenza annually

Each student must update their PPD status and Statement of Good Health every 12 months, or more often if required by a clinical site to which the student is assigned. The above information may be released to third parties to facilitate student clinical placements.

Further vaccinations may be required if recommended by the CDC.

Adapted from (April 2018) Healthcare Personnel Vaccination Requirements

Hepatitis B Give 3-dose series (done #1 now, #2 in 1 month, #3 approximately 5 months after #2). Give IM. Obtain anti HBs serologic testing 1-2 months after dose #3.
Influenza Give 1 dose of influenza vaccine annually. Give inactivated injectable vaccine intramuscularly or live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) intranasally.
MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) For healthcare personnel )HCP) born in 1957 or later without serologic evidence of immunity or prior vaccination, give 2 doses of MMR, 4 weeks apart.
Varicella (chickenpox) For HCP who have no serologic proof of immunity, prior vaccination, or history of varicella disease, give 2 doses of varicella vaccine, 4 weeks apart. Give SC.
Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) Give a dose of Tdap as soon as possible to all HCP who have not received Tdap previously and to pregnant HCP with each pregnancy. Tdap given once regardless of when previous dose of Td was received. Give Td boosters every 10 years thereafter. Give IM.
Vaccine Hepatitis B Recommendations Give 3-dose series (done #1 now, #2 in 1 month, #3 approximately 5 months after #2). Give IM. Obtain anti HBs serologic testing 1-2 months after dose #3.
Vaccine Influenza Recommendations Give 1 dose of influenza vaccine annually. Give inactivated injectable vaccine intramuscularly or live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) intranasally.
Vaccine MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) Recommendations For healthcare personnel )HCP) born in 1957 or later without serologic evidence of immunity or prior vaccination, give 2 doses of MMR, 4 weeks apart.
Vaccine Varicella (chickenpox) Recommendations For HCP who have no serologic proof of immunity, prior vaccination, or history of varicella disease, give 2 doses of varicella vaccine, 4 weeks apart. Give SC.
Vaccine Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) Recommendations Give a dose of Tdap as soon as possible to all HCP who have not received Tdap previously and to pregnant HCP with each pregnancy. Tdap given once regardless of when previous dose of Td was received. Give Td boosters every 10 years thereafter. Give IM.

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