Barry University School of Law is committed to helping our students reach their academic goals in a caring and supportive environment. The Academic Success Program helps students develop the academic skills necessary to succeed in law school. The three main components of the program include the Study Skills Program, the Writing Center, and Individual Counseling. The program is supervised by the Director of Academic Success, a full-time faculty member. The program is also staffed with the Student Coordinator of Academic Success and several carefully selected Dean’s Study Fellows and Dean’s Writing Fellows.
Members of our Academic Success team counsel students on a wide range of academic issues, from writing to study tips to test-taking skills.
Study Skills Program
The Study Skills Program is open to all students who would like to develop or enhance their study skills. Under the supervision of the Director, weekly workshops are conducted by Dean’s Study Fellows who are chosen because they have effectively modeled the skills and attributes that law students need to succeed. The workshops are designed to help students improve their skills in reading and briefing cases, preparing for class, outlining, and time management. Workshops are also held to assist students improve their exam-taking skills, and to provide students with the opportunity to practice multiple choice and essay questions that are similar to those they will encounter on their final exams and on the Bar Exam.
Dean’s Study Fellows are also available to provide one-on-one assistance to students seeking help with study skills, and/or to offer moral support and encouragement with the transition into law school.
Writing Center
The Writing Center provides assistance with law school-related writing. Supervised by the Director, the Writing Center is staffed with Dean’s Writing Fellows who are chosen because they have demonstrated excellent writing ability in law school. The Dean’s Writing Fellows provide assistance to students with their Legal Research and Writing class assignments and/or with their upper level writing requirement.
Individual Counseling
The Director of Academic Success is always available to meet individually with any student seeking to improve study skills, to identify problems interfering with academic performance, and to provide guidance and recommendations for future academic success.