Externship Student Syllabus, Journals, & Timesheets
The Law School's Externship Program, in conjunction with the Florida Supreme Court, permits second semester 2L’s and 3L’s to practice law as Certified Legal Interns. Students in our program are assigned to government, non-profit and public sector law offices of their choosing, in Florida or anyplace else in the world. Students work under the direct supervision of an agency attorney and the Law School’s Director of Clinical Placements doing Criminal Prosecution, Criminal Defense, Civil Poverty Law, Civil Government Law or any other specialty the student is interested in. When at their placements, a student’s responsibilities could include trying real life criminal or civil cases, advising clients, interviewing witnesses, or preparing all forms of legal documents. The Law School also offers placements in both Federal and State Court judicial chambers and in a special mediation externship.
All externship students also participate in a weekly seminar designed to address the practical considerations involved in their placements, and in overcoming the "gap" which exists between being a 3L and becoming a successful member of the bar.
Externship Credits & Required Hours
Depending on the credits offered for each type of externship, students receive a letter grade on the seminar portion of the course and a pass-fail grade on the field portion.
For further information please contact Jessica Wills, the program's Administrative Assistant (407-681-5405 or JWills@barry.edu)