
Center for Human Rights and Social Justice

Center for Human Rights and Social Justice Human Rights and Social Justice Courses

Sociology (SOC)

200 - Perspective Consciousness and Social Justice (3)

The course focuses on “perspective consciousness”; that is: 1) realizing that values, beliefs, and world‐views are socially constructed; 2) understanding the importance of finding one’s “own voice,” of analyzing one’s own thinking and the thinking of others, and of dealing with dissonance; and 3) understanding the importance of praxis—to reflect and to act upon the world in order to transform it. Critical interrogation of several key social institutions and cultural dynamics; analysis of contradictions between dominant ideological or mythical claims and everyday social practices and experiences are also included. The conceptual and practical skills necessary to: 1) challenge the perspective that difference and diversity must be controlled by exclusion, discrimination, and inequality; and 2) create and participate in democratic institutions and organizations based on social justice and equality, are also covered. Enrollment is limited to majors in the College of Arts and Sciences.

202 Juvenile Delinquency (3)

A study of the nature, extent, and causes of delinquent behavior. The challenges of measuring, preventing, and responding to delinquency are assessed, along with the role of the police, the courts, and various treatment programs in dealing with delinquency. (Same as CRM 202).

204 Social Problems (3)

A survey of sociological perspectives on social problems. Sociological perspectives will be applied to such problems as alcohol and drug abuse, crime, health care, homelessness, poverty, and racism

307 Race and Ethnicity (3)

Study of sociological perspectives in minority‐majority relations; assimilation ideologies; dynamics of prejudice and discrimination; biological, historical, and sociological data on race; survey of American minorities.

332 Drugs and Society (3)

A review and analysis of the social impact of drug and alcohol use and abuse. Specific topics examined include the history, social epidemiology, causes, social consequences, and major forms of prevention/treatment of drug/alcohol abuse.

352 Sociology of Immigration (3)

A comprehensive examination of U.S. immigration policies. Emphasis on issues of exclusion, inclusion, and segregation; the impact of immigration policies on the life‐chances of immigrants and their descendants; assimilation theories; and data collection techniques pertaining to immigrant work, education, and healthcare. Prerequisite: Junior or senior status or permission of instructor.

372 Social Stratification (3)

Theories of social class; wealth, power, and prestige as class correlates; social mobility; and consequences of social placement.

405 Sociology of Race, Class and Gender (3)

A comprehensive examination of race, class, and gender as central categories of social experience. A variety of sociological approaches are integrated to analyze how these differences in identities and accompanying inequalities are constructed within social institutions and processes.

426 Sociology of Violence (3)

An in‐depth study of the major sociological theories and relevant research pertaining to violence, including interpersonal, family, criminal, and institutionalized violence. The normative and social situational contexts in which violence occurs are studied in terms of how persons are affected as perpetrators and victims. Historical, cross‐cultural, and contemporary forms of violence are analyzed to reveal the underlying social dynamics. Social responses to violence, including criminalization, public policies, and prevention/treatment intervention strategies, are reviewed. Prerequisite: CRM 200 or SOC 200 or SOC 201 or permission of Department Chair.

Humanities (HUM)

396 Cultural Studies Special Topics (3)

Courses taught under this heading focus on the way social relations of power are constructed in and by cultural practices and the workings and consequences of those relations and practices. These courses examine through verbal and non‐verbal texts what seems natural and familiar in order to unmask these representations and to critically examine the implications of these cultural practices in everyday life.

397 Ethnic Studies Special Topics (3)

Courses taught under this heading focus on the distinctive social, political, cultural, linguistic, and historical experiences of ethnic groups in the United States. These courses explore through verbal and non‐verbal texts the ways places are represented as home, exile, or myth, and how these representations affect the sense of self, gender, family, community, history, memory, and nationalism. Additionally, special topics courses taught in this category include those grounded in postcolonial theory; i.e., examining texts as an assertion of power against colonialism and as agencies for exploring experimental or alternative forms of artistic expressions.

398 Gender Studies Special Topics (3)

Courses taught under this category focus on the construction and role of gender in culture. These courses examine verbal and non‐verbal texts which, through representations, shape gender identity by historical and cultural practices. These courses also examine gendered identities in terms of their construction, codification, representation, and dissemination within society.

Communication (COM)

304 Intercultural Communication (3)

An introduction to the factors that influence communication among individuals of different subcultures. Both theoretical and practical problems of intercultural communication are analyzed. Prerequisites: Eligible for ENG 111 and SPE 101 or COM 104. (Spring)

311 Communication and Gender (3)

This course provides an overview of the role of communication in the construction of gender. Students will be introduced to various theories, including standpoint theory, grounded theory, queer theory, and performance theory, as they explore the process of identity formation from a communication perspective. Prerequisites: ENG 111, COM 201 or Instructor’s permission. (Fall).

323 Communication, Race, and Ethnicity (3)

This course explores the history and constructs of race and ethnicity from an interpersonal and intercultural communication point of view. It also examines the intersections of race and ethnicity within the contexts of globalization, media, and popular culture. Prerequisites: ENG 111, COM 201 or Instructor’s permission. (Alternate years, Fall).

Theology (THE)

312 Freedom and Virtue (3)

An examination of the meaning of human freedom, the nature and search for virtue as a means and goal of human behavior and as a consequence of our actions. Accountability as part of free human action will be considered in the context of decisions of conscience. Prerequisite: THE 201

325 Feminist Perspectives in Ethics (3)

An introduction to the theological and moral challenges that the key insights of feminist thinking have raised in academic, social, and church institutions. The critical reading of primary sources of the feminist critique will increase awareness of the oppression of women and the prevalence of patriarchal structures that have traditionally supported that oppression. The importance of an ongoing search for normative standards of morality will be juxtaposed with the multi‐contextualized norms in the experiences of women. Prerequisite: THE 201.

327 Peace and Justice (3)

This course is meant to explore the issues of Justice, Peace, and Reconciliation as fundamental aspects of Christianity. Building on the foundations of Scripture, Catholic Social Teaching, and the UN Declaration of Human Rights, students will explore the prophetic role of the Christian in the act of living and promoting Justice and Peace in the micro and macro worlds of church and culture. The ideas presented in this course are designed to spawn critical questions that could have life altering consequences. Prerequisite: THE 201.

Philosophy (PHI)

292 Ethics (3)

A study of fundamental elements in ethical theory: analysis of the concept of moral goodness, the origins and nature of moral law and obligation, comparison of various moral systems for moral decision making. Discussion will include application through consideration of concrete examples.

321 Philosophy of Peace and War (3)

Classical and contemporary philosophical analysis of peace, war, and conflict between individuals, groups, and nations. Discussion of ethical questions concerning the initiation and the conduct of conflict, revolution, and war. Analysis of nonviolent resolution of disputes, of proposals for solving the problem of war, and of pacifism. Ethical aspects of nuclear weapons employment and the contemporary nuclear weapons dilemma.

354 Environmental Ethics (3)

Study of the major issues and theories of environmental ethics. Application of traditional ethical theories to environmental issues, criticisms of these theories, and calls for new theoretical approaches. Relations between environmental ethics and popular movements such as animal liberation, deep ecology, social ecology, and ecofeminism.

370 Contemporary Moral Problems (3)

An introduction to fundamentals of ethical reasoning, various methodologies, and application to current topics in ethical discourse. Topics may include capital punishment, euthanasia, abortion, war and peace, pornography, poverty and hunger, environmental rights, animal rights, academic freedom, sexual discrimination, or other areas of interest. Recommended preparation: PHI 292.

Psychology (PSY)

306 Psychology of Women (3)

Study of the various issues affecting the changing role of women in today’s society; consideration given to psychological and social factors as they relate to contemporary feminine behavior. Prerequisite: PSY 281. (Occasional offering)

370 Social Psychology (3)

Cognitive processes, roles, communication and persuasion, aggression and interaction of individuals within small and large groups are studied from a psychological perspective. Prerequisite: PSY 281. (Regular offering)

445 Community Psychology (3)

Covers the basic theories and concepts that define this field. Community psychology seeks ways to eliminate distress and promote well‐being in people and their communities. It emphasizes prevention of psychological problems, empowerment of persons and communities with few resources, the impact of stress and social support on people, and the importance and value of human diversity. Students will be introduced to the methods of research that guide community psychologists, including traditional research methods, qualitative research methods, consulting, program evaluation, and participatory action research. Prerequisite: PSY 281.

Criminology (CRM)

305 Women and Crime (3)

An in‐depth study of the relationship between women and various forms of criminal behavior. The experiences of women as crime victims, criminal offenders, and criminal justice system practitioners are examined in terms of the social, legal, and political discourse on femininity. Cross‐cultural and historical analyses are included. Prerequisite: CRM 200 or SOC 200 or SOC 201 or permission of Department Chair.

328 Race, Class, and Crime (3)

Racial‐ethnic and class identities are examined in terms of their impact on persons’ experiences of the law, crime, justice, victimization, stigma, and punishment/rehabilitation. Sociological and criminological theory and research on these issues are reviewed. Historical and cross‐cultural examples are also studied. Prerequisite: CRM 200 or SOC 200 or SOC 201 or permission of Department Chair.

Nursing (NUR)

426 Health Policy, Advocacy, and the Political Process (Theory 2)

This course provides a broad understanding of health care policies, regulation, and finance as they impact quality of health care from a local to global perspective. Students examine the role of politics, advocacy, and interdisciplinary collaboration to achieve health outcomes within a complex health care system. Prerequisite for Traditional Option (fall admission): NUR 343.Pre‐requisite Accelerated Option: NUR 335, NUR 337, NUR 383, NUR 416. Co‐requisite for Accelerated Option: NUR 343, NUR 418, NUR 422. Pre‐requisite for RN to BSN: NUR 337, NUR 323. Co‐requisite: NUR 422.

Sport and Exercise Science (SES)

173 Introduction to Wellness (3)

Introduction to wellness is the study of essential practices as they relate to current concepts of prevention. The course will explore and emphasize the importance of emotional wellness, financial wellness, global wellness, intellectual wellness, physical wellness, social wellness, spiritual wellness, and vocational wellness.

Instructional Sport & Recreation Program (ISR)

109 Basic Self Defense for Women (1 credit)

Course Fee: TBA
The Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) system is a course that focuses on the realistic development of self‐defense options for women, before and during situations of imminent or actual abductive assault. The manual that will be used with the course is the Basic Physical Defense System for Women. The RAD system is nationally recognized as the largest women’s self‐defense training organization in the world and is the National standard in self‐defense programming.

135 Judo and Self-Defense (1 or 2 Credit Option)

Course designed to provide knowledge of basic self‐defense techniques and skills necessary to enjoy and participate in the sport of judo.

PACE Institute for Training and Professional Development
Environmental Science (EVS)

306 Environment (3)

A conceptual approach to understanding the interrelatedness of natural processes at work in the environment. Application to local issues as well as broader problems and prospects will be made.

425 Human Impact on Global Changes (3)

A detailed and practical analysis of global warming, stratospheric ozone depletion, and acid deposition from different points of view: How these phenomena affect living and non‐living components of the ecosphere. Examines scientific, as well as social issues, related to all three. Global warming section includes discussion of the El Niño Southern Oscillation.

Political Science (POS)

355 Environment and Politics (3)

A study and analysis of the United States environmental policies from historical and political perspectives. Attention is given to the theoretical and practical aspects of environmental policy making in a democratic society at the local, state, and national levels. Global policies concerning the environment will also be explored.

Psychology (PSY)

329 Understanding & Coping with Stress (3)

Exploration of the roles of stress and illness; immunology and endocrinology with help in evaluating one’s own level of stress. Effective techniques for alleviating stress and features of the development of the holistic health movement are described. Meditation, autogenic training, bio‐feedback, nutrition, and exercise to prevent disease are highlighted.

410 Group Dynamics and Decision-Making (3)

An exploration of group intimacy, solidarity of groups, group problem‐solving, the individual within the group, leadership development (who is involved and how leaders are chosen), and splinter group formations. Prerequisite: PSY 206.

Sociology (SOC)

305 Issues in Culture (3)

Topical course to determine the role that culture has played in developing and influencing man’s behavior. Our perceptions of economics, religion, family life, employment, aging, law, and numerous other aspects of culture will be studied and discussed.

415 Women in Contemporary Society (3)

Historical development of women as a basis for their distinctive position in society today. Emphasis is placed on their lateral/horizontal progress in the realms of the economy, society, and cultural development. Gender definition and dynamics of the patriarchal system are examined.

Social Work (SW)

315 The Personal, Cultural, and Social Influences on Helping (3)

This is an experience‐oriented course directed toward helping students become aware of their own interpersonal processes and how these may influence their skill and effectiveness as professional helping persons. This course explores formal and informal approaches to helping in various cultures and societies, and examines the implications of cultural values as well as their strengths and limitations. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of critical thinking in helping at the individual, group, and community levels. Prerequisite: 203 Introduction to the Social Work Profession.

360 Environmental Context of Social Work Practice: Poverty, Oppression, and Trauma (3)

This course provides students with knowledge and skill necessary for engaging client systems within an ecological context. Its focus on understanding client behavior within the larger social environment uses a “bio‐psycho‐socio‐ cultural‐political” lens to explore how difference and diversity within the social environment can affect social functioning. Poverty, oppression, and trauma are examined as issues of social justice that challenge resiliency in client systems, and require competency in leadership and advocacy on the part of practitioners. Prerequisites: 203 Introduction to the Social Work Profession, 315 The Personal, Social, and Cultural Influences on Helping, 327 Ways of Knowing for Social Work Practice, 355 Human Development; Pre/Co‐requisite: 323 Service-Learning and Social Work Practice. Co‐requisite: 369 Social Work in the Social Service Environment.

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