Doctoral students are expected to complete their course of study part-time in two (2) years. Over the two year span, students enroll in two (2) courses for three (3) consecutive semesters; fall, spring, and summer terms for each year. Students must demonstrate sufficient competency to receive a grade of credit for each class-room based course enrolled in each semester. Upon completion of the last course, SW 771 – Seminar in Dissertation Development II, students should have completed an initial draft of their dissertation proposal and selected a Dissertation Chair. The student must present and defend the dissertation proposal no later than two semesters following the completion of the course. A successful defense of the dissertation proposal transitions one from a student to candidacy. Candidates are granted a maximum of two years after the committee’s approval of the dissertation proposal to present and defend the dissertation.
The Doctoral Committee reviews the progress of students who have not completed the degree at the end of four (4) years from the time of admissions. As a result of the review, the Committee may recommend additional course work and/or enhanced academic support systems. At the end of the fifth year, the Doctoral Committee will review the status of candidates and request a meeting with the student and his/her Dissertation Committee Chair.