- Barreto, A., McCrink, C. L., & Vera, G. (2023).
Exploring a human energy leadership model across postsecondary institutions. Paper presented at the Florida Educational Research Association Conference, Hollywood, FL. - Smith, E. C., Starratt, G. K., McCrink, C. L., & Whitford, H. (2019).
Teacher evaluation feedback and instructional practice self-efficacy in secondary school teachers. Educational Administrator Quarterly, 1-31. https://doi.org/10.11770013161X119888568. - McCrink, C. L., & Whitford, H. (Eds.) (in press). (2017, March).
Global development of the community college model. New Directions for Community Colleges, 177. San Francisco, CA: Wiley Periodicals. - Whitford, H., McCrink, C. L. (2015, November).
Student affairs administrators and the undocumented student experience: Exploring inequality and social justice in Florida higher education. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference, Denver, CO. - Gesser, V., Whitford, H., & McCrink, C. L. (2015, June).
Learning as an interdisciplinary process: Perceptions of graduate students from different cultures. Paper presented at the Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Conference, Split, Croatia. - McCrink, C. L., Gesser, V., & Whitford, H. (2015, March).
Contextualizing a model for the internationalization of the Ph.D. through the lens of Brazilian and U.S. faculty in different disciplines. Paper presented at the 2015 International Conference on Doctoral Education, Orlando, FL. - Whitford, H., & McCrink, C. L. (2014).
Contextualizing the higher education pathways of undocumented students: An exploration of policy and practice using a framework of intersectionality. In D. Mitchell, C. Simmons, & L. Greyerbiehl (Eds.), Intersectionality & higher education: Theory, research, and praxis (pp. 55-67). New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing. - McCrink, C. L (2014, October).
Mission engagement dialogue project: Learning, reflecting, and serving as an institutional ecosystem. Paper presented at the International Association for Research in Service Learning and Community Engagement Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. - McCrink, C. L., & Whitford, H. (2014, March).
Investigating the development of the community college system in Chile through the lens of organizational learning. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration and History, University of Miami
- MS in Reading, Writing and Literacy, University of Pennsylvania
- MS in Educational Leadership, University of Miami
- BS in Business Education, Florida International University
Carmen L. McCrink, PhD, serves as Professor and Program Director of the EdD in Organizational Leadership at Barry University. She serves as co-chair of the University’s Graduate Council effective fall 2024. Prior to her employment with Barry University, Dr. McCrink worked for Miami-Dade College serving as Associate Dean and Executive Director of Federal and State funded grant programs. Given her tenure as an administrator and faculty member at the community college and university levels, Dr. McCrink has interest and expertise in areas such as community colleges; teaching and learning; curriculum development; internationalization of higher education; reading, writing, and literacy studies; Hispanic research issues; and critical thinking. Dr. McCrink has served as dissertation chair for many students during her tenure at the university and continues to support students in their dissertation journey. She has developed doctoral level courses including Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Across Organizations; Participatory Action Research; and Internationalization of Higher Education. Dr. McCrink’s latest contributions to scholarship are listed below. Dr. McCrink served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, SAGE Publications, the Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research, AERA, and the Inquiry in Education (online) Journal, National Louis University, Chicago. She has served as a reviewer for the American Educational Research Association and the Comparative International and International Education Society on an annual basis. Currently, she serves as a reviewer for the Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice. During her sabbatical (2009), Dr. McCrink completed a second master’s degree in reading, writing, and literacy studies at the University of Pennsylvania and was invited to teach a “Seminar on Community Colleges” as part of the University’s Executive Doctorate in Higher Education. Dr. McCrink has served as a Dominican Associate since 2018 and continues to be involved in Barry University’s mission and Core Commitments, vis-a-vis sharing the Dominican charism.