Claire Egret, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Coordinator BioMechanics

Claire Egret, Ph.D.
Claire Egret, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Coordinator BioMechanics


Dr. Claire Egret joined the Sport & Exercise Sciences faculty in 2007 and currently serves as Assistant Professor in the Sport and Exercise Sciences. She received her Ph.D. in Biomechanics and Physiology of Movement, from the University of Rouen. Dr. Egret's teaching experience began as lecturer at the University of Sport Sciences, Rouen. Later, she served as Assistant Professor at the University of Sport Sciences, Arras, and finally as visiting professor at Jacksonville State University, before accepting her position at Barry University. Her doctoral research examined, "Contribution to the Optimization of the Golf Swing: Kinematic and electromyographic analysis of the Golf Swing depending on the golfer's Level of Expertise and the Type of Club Used. Effects of augmented concomitant electromyographic feedback on the Performance" and Dr. Egret's research has been published internationally in scientific journals such as the International Journal of Sports Medicine, Journal of Movement Studies, and Isokinetics and Exercise Science.

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