- BA, Manchester College
- MA, Kent State University
- Ph.D., Kent State University
Born in Yakima, Washington, E. Timothy Smith received his BA from Manchester College, and his MA and PhD from Kent State University. He has taught history in colleges and universities in Ohio, Georgia, and Florida. His fields of specialty are U.S. Diplomatic history and 20th Century U.S. history.
Classes Taught at Barry
U.S. history surveys; American Diplomatic History; Western Civilization; The Meaning of History; U.S. Since 1945; U.S. history from the Gilded Age to World War II; America in the 1960s; African American History; Asian Civilizations; Germany Since 1871 and the Senior Seminar.
Selected Publications
- Opposition Beyond the Water's Edge: Liberal Internationalists, Pacifists and Containment, 1945-1953 (Greenwood Press, 1999).
- The Romance of History: Essays in Honor of Lawrence Kaplan (Kent State University Press, 1997). Co-edited with Scott L. Bills.
- The United States, Italy, and NATO, 1947-1952 (St. Martin's Press, 1991).
Articles and Book Chapters
- "The Roots of the Peace Corps: Youth Volunteer Service in the 1950s," Peace and Change 41 (April 2016), 221-254.
- "Cold War: The Origins (1917-1947," Cold War: Conflicts (1947-1987), and "Cuban Missile Crisis," in Nigel J. Young (ed.), The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace (Oxford University Press,2010), pp. 338-342, 342-345, 518-521.
- "From Miami to Quebec and Beyond: Opposition to the Free Trade Area of the Americas," in Peace and Change 29 (April 2004), 221-249.
- "Gli Stati Uniti D'America Ed Il Trattato Di Pace con L'Italia," (translated from English) in Romain H. Rainero and Giuliano Manzari (eds.), L'Italia DelDopoguerra: Il Trattato Di Pace Con L'Italia (Commissione Italiana Di Storia Militare, 1998), pp.17-27.
- "Beyond the Water's Edge: Liberal Internationalist and Pacifists Opposition to NATO," in Scott L. Bills and E. Timothy Smith (eds.), The Romance of History: Essays in Honor of Lawrence Kaplan (Kent State University Press, 1997), 142-166.
- "The Disarming and Rearming of Italy," in Richard Dean Burns (ed.), Encyclopedia of Arms Control and Disarmament (Schribner's, 1993) II: 793-800.
- "United States Security and the Integration of Italy into the Western Bloc, 1947-1949," in Francis H. Heller and John R. Gillingham (eds.), NATO: The Founding of the Atlantic Alliance and the Integration of Europe (St. Martin's Press, 1992), 73-97.
- "From Disarmament to Rearmament: The United States and the Revision of the Italian Peace Treaty of 1947," Diplomatic History 13 (Summer 1989), 359-382.
- "U.S. Security and Italy: The Extension of NATO to the Mediterranean, 1945-1949," in Lawrence S. Kaplan, Robert W. Clawson and Raimondo Luraghi (eds.), NATO and the Mediterranean (Scholarly Resources, 1985), 137-156.
- "The Fear of Subversion: The United States and the Inclusion of Italy in the North Atlantic Treaty," Diplomatic History 7 (Spring 1983), 139-155.