Indra R. Hershorin, Ph.D., RN, CNE

Assistant Professor

Indra R. Hershorin, Ph.D., RN, CNE
Indra R. Hershorin, Ph.D., RN, CNE Assistant Professor


Dr. Indra Hershorin is an assistant professor in the College of Nursing and Health Sciences and teaches both obstetric and pediatrics. Dr. Hershorin obtained her diploma in nursing and a midwife certificate from Trinidad. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Master of Science in Nursing Education (MSN), and Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD) from Barry University. Dr. Hershorin is a strong advocator for nursing education and is very supportive of nursing students. She served as the faculty advisor for Barry University’s Nursing Students Association for nine years and was recognized as Faculty Advisor of the Year on four occasions. She is the recipient of an Honorary Lifetime Membership Award from the Florida Nursing Students Association (FNSA). Dr. Hershorin received her Certification as a Nurse Educator (CNE) from the National League of Nursing in 2011. Dr. Hershorin is an active member of the Lambda Chi chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI). She has served in numerous positions on the Lambda Chi Board of Directors and is the current president-elect. She will serve as the president of the Lambda Chi chapter for 2013-2015. Dr. Hershorin areas of research interest include type 2 diabetes prevention in children and teaching strategies in nursing education. She has presented on numerous occasions at both local and international conferences. Her interest in teaching strategies has led to the development of Active Learning Exercises (ALEs) for the pediatric course in the nursing program. She has presented her work on the ALEs at the Sigma Theta Tau International Research Congress in Cancun, Mexico 2011 and Brisbane, Australia 2012.

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