José-david Padilla, OP, STL, STHD, MA

Associate Professor Of Theology, New Testament Director, Master Of Arts In Practical Theology And Ministry

José-david Padilla, OP, STL, STHD, MA
José-david Padilla, OP, STL, STHD, MA Associate Professor Of Theology, New Testament Director, Master Of Arts In Practical Theology And Ministry

Areas of Interest

A Socio- rhetorical approach to controversial passages in the Pauline literature. - The use of moral codes of vices and virtues in the New Testament. - A Latino/a approach to Pauline literature and their understanding of identity - The mention of homosexual acts in the New Testament.


José-David Padilla, a member of the Order of Preachers, was born and raised in the city of Medellin, Colombia, where he received his BA in Philosophy from the Bolivarian Pontifical University. Padilla received the MA and the MDiv from the Aquinas Institute of Theology. In 2003 he worked at St. Dominic's Catholic Church, Miami for two years. In 2005, he was assigned to New Orleans where he worked at St. Thomas More Parish and as director of the Catholic Center at Tulane University. .

He studied Hebrew and Greek at the Biblicum of Rome. Then, he completed his License Degree (STL) in Sacred Scriptures at the Catholic Institute of Paris. During this time, he also had the opportunity to explore biblical geography and archeology at the École Biblique of Jerusalem. He moved to Salamanca, Spain, where he completed his Doctorate (SThD) at the Pontifical School of Theology of San Esteban of Salamanca, Spain.

Padilla has focused his studies in the historical, social and cultural milieu of the first fifty years of Christianity and the figure of Paul. As for Pauline Literature, his interest is in the New Rhetoric, specifically the social-rhetorical approach to the undisputed letters. He is currently a member of the Academic of Catholic Hispanic Theologians in the United States (ACHTUS), the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), the Catholic Biblical Association of America (CBA), and the Institute for Biblical Research (IBR). He actively offers conferences nationwide on different topics concerning the New Testament, especially to the Hispanic communities.


Research Interests

- A Socio- rhetorical approach to controversial passages in the Pauline literature.
- The use of moral codes of vices and virtues in the New Testament.
- A Latino/a approach to Pauline literature and their understanding of identity
- The mention of homosexual acts in the New Testament.



"Los injustos no heredarán el reino de Dios". Un estudio Socio-Retórico de 1 Co 6,9-10 y su aportación al controvertido debate sobre la mención de los homosexuales en el Nuevo Testamento, Thesis abstract, Salamanca: Pontifical Universidad San Esteban, 2015.

Papers and Public Lectures

Peer-Reviewed - National Conferences

2015 "A Reading of the Beatitudes from the context of the Latino/a Immigrants in the US" Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States, Milwaukee, WI, June 2015.

Presentations Invited - Regional Events and Conferences

  • "La Biblia y su mensaje de Salvación: El Nuevo Testamento", Spanish-language Lay Ministry Formation Program, Diocese of Salt Lake City, UT, February, 2016.
  • "La Biblia y su mensaje de Salvación: El Antiguo Testamento", Spanish-language Lay Ministry Formation Program, Diocese of Salt Lake City, UT, November, 2015.
  • "Los desafíos del Reino de Dios basados en Mateo." 36th Annual Catechetical Conference Archdiocese of Miami, Archbishop McCarthy High School, Miami, FL, October 25, 2014.
  • "El sermon de la montaña, resumen de la evangelización cristiana", Keynote speaker, Archdiocesan Catechetical Conference, Archdiocese of Portland, University of Portland, OR, October 2014.
  • "Biblia: El Evangelio anunciado por Jesús, el Hijo de Dios" Bible workshop, 2014
  • Archdiocesan Catechetical Conference, Archdiocese of Portland, University of Portland, OR, October 2014.

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