- Ph.D. in Special Education with specialization in Emotional Handicaps, University of Miami
- MS in Special Education, Diagnostic and Prescriptive Teaching, University of the Virgin Islands
Judy Harris-Looby, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor and the Department Chair of the Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Programs at Barry University. In 1996, she obtained her doctoral degree in Special Education with a Specialization in Emotional and Behavioral Disorders from the University of Miami. She also earned a master's degree in Special Education, Diagnostic and Prescriptive Teaching from the University of the Virgin Islands in 1981. She was first hired at Barry University as an Assistant Professor in 1997 and became the Department Chair in 2005. Dr. Harris-Looby has taught on all academic levels in the School of Education - bachelors, master's, and doctoral degree programs. She has published in many peer-refereed journals and presented at national, state, and local conferences on topics related to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (ADHD), emotional and behavioral disorders, learning disabilities (LD), and collaborative consultation strategies and techniques. In collaboration with her colleagues, she has designed a series of teacher training modules on ADHD and Teacher Certification in ESE. She has also conducted several training workshops for pre-service teachers, parents of students with disabilities, and minority at-risk students on topics in the field of special education. In her efforts to reduce the critical teacher shortage in special education, she has written and served as the Principle and Co-principle Investigator on several state- and federally-funded personnel preparation grant projects. Funded projects ranged in the amounts of $35,000 to $677,000 for multiple years (2 to 5 years) and provided tuition scholarships for students across all academic levels. Dr. Harris-Looby continues to work closely with her colleagues in the ESE Department, seeking grant opportunities that could support the development of new and innovative programs in special education, preparing highly qualified teachers to address the needs of students with diverse learning needs and exceptionalities.