- Education Specialist in Montessori Education, Barry University, 2001
- Master of Arts in Education- Elementary Licensure, Johnson State College, 1996
- Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies, Barry University, 1993
- American Montessori Society - Elementary I-II Credential, 2000
- American Montessori Society - Administrator Credential, 2016
MEMBERSHIP: American Montessori Society CAREER HIGHLIGHTS: Leslie Lasseville is the Montessori Program Director in the College of Arts and Sciences at Barry University in Miami Shores, Florida. This program includes the MS and EdS in Montessori Education with either the Specialization in Early Childhood or Elementary I-II as well as the Secondary I-II Certificate program Ms. Lasseville is a strong advocate for Montessori education. She’s enjoyed years of experience teaching Lower and Upper Elementary Montessori students as well as leading a local Montessori School as Principal. Ms. Lasseville has taught a variety of courses for Barry University’s TEP throughout the years. She currently teaches Life Science for the Elementary, Elementary Overview as well as the Practicum courses. She has enjoyed presenting workshops throughout our extended community, including the Montessori Florida Coalition, Broward County Magnet Schools and the Miami Dade County Early Head Start community. Montessori’s time has come! Let Barry University help guide you in your Montessori aspirations! “The child who has never learned to work by himself, to set goals for his own acts, or to be the master of his own force of will is recognizable in the adult who lets others guide his will and feels a constant need for approval of others.” – Maria Montessori MONTESSORI FACULTY: Gabriel Alejandro ( Secondary I-II) Maria Castillo ( Elementary I-II) Judy Dempsey ( Secondary I-II) Marissa Hartwig (Early Childhood) Melanie Jacocks ( Early Childhood, Elementary I-II) Leslie Lasseville ( Elementary I-II, Secondary I-II) Sylvia Laurent ( Early Childhood, Elementary I-II) Heidy Lilchin ( Early Childhood) Stephanie Lipp (Secondary I-II) Kim Barreto Loaiza (Early Childhood, Elementary I-II, Secondary I-II) Elizabeth Navarro (Elementary I-II) Stephany Stock (Early Childhood, Elementary I-II)