Manuel Tejeda, Ph.D.

Professor and Associate Dean

Manuel Tejeda, Ph.D.
Manuel Tejeda, Ph.D. Professor and Associate Dean


  • BA in Psychology and Computer Science
  • MS in Educational and Psychological Sciences
  • Ph.D. in Business Administration with concentrations in Organizational Behavior and Research Methods, University of Miami - Coral Gables, FL.

Areas of Interest

Teaching Philosophy "The sleep of reason produces monsters."


Dr. Tejeda received his BA in Psychology and Computer Science, MS in Educational and Psychological Sciences, Ph.D. in Business Administration with concentrations in Organizational Behavior and Research Methods from the University of Miami in Coral Gables, FL. Dr. Tejeda joined the faculty of Andreas School of Business and Public Administration in 2000 and he is currently Professor of Management and Psychology. Before joining the faculty of Barry University, he taught Management at Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania and was also involved in research programs in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Miami School of Medicine. His research interests focus on leader behaviors and their impact on followers and he is also interested in diversity management and social justice in the workplace. Dr. Tejeda has also done work in applied statistics in the areas of structural equation modeling and random regression.

Selected Publications

Tejeda, M. J. (2021). Supervision and health outcomes-a correlational study of lmx, depression and cardiovascular health in a sample of nurses. Current Psychology: A Journal for Diverse Perspectives on Diverse Psychological Issues.

Castater, N., Tejeda, M.J. and Payne, B.C. (2019). A Financial Analysis of Those Companies Identified as Having the Greatest Returns to Total Capital in Emerging Markets.” The Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives, Volume XLIV No. 2, Fall-Winter 2019, 234 - 248.

Tejeda, M.J. (2018). The Paradox of Surrender: Religion, Business and the Environment. In Leader, J. (Ed.) The greening of religion - Hope in the eye of the storm. 164-176. Cherry Hill.

Tejeda, M. J. (2017). The cisgender workplace as an obstacle to inclusivity. In Mouriño, E & Scandura, T.A. LMX and Diversity in the 21st Century. Information Age Publishing: Charlotte, NC.

Tejeda¸ M.J. (2015). Skeletons in the Broom Closet: Exploring the Discrimination of Pagans in the Workplace. Journal of Management and Spirituality. 12(2), 88-110.

Tejeda¸ M.J. (2015). Exploring the Supportive Effects of Spiritual Well-Being in the Workplace. Journal of Business Ethics. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-014-2269-6.

Germain, M.L. & Tejeda¸ M.J. (2012). A preliminary exploration on the measurement of expertise: An initial development of a psychometric scale. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 23 203-232.

Nieto-Vazquez, M., Colin, J., Tejeda, M.J. & Matos, A. (2009). Results of an osteoporosis educational randomized trial in a sample of Puerto Rican women. Journal of Cultural Diversity, Winter;16(4), 171-177.

Tejeda, M.J. (2008). A Resource Review for Diversity Education through Film Media. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 7(3), 434-440.

Tejeda, M. J. (2006). Non-Discrimination Policies and Sexual Identity Disclosure: Do They Make A Difference In Employee Outcomes? Employee Rights and Responsibilities Journal18, 45-59.

Tejeda, M. J. (2004). Egalitarianism and self-esteem as correlates of hate ideation against gay men and lesbians. Journal of Multicultural Nursing and Health10, 42-50.

Newman, F. L. & Tejeda, M. J. (2004). Selecting statistical procedures for progress and outcomes assessment: The analysis of group data. In Maruish, M. (Ed.) Use of Psychological Testing for Treatment Planning & Outcome Assessment (3rd Edition). Lawrence, Erlbaum & Associates: Mahwah, NJ.

Dakof, G.A., Quille, T.J, Tejeda, M. J., Alberga, L.R., Bandstra, E., Szapocznik, J. (2003). Enrolling and retaining mothers of substance exposed infants in drug abuse treatment. Journal of Clinical and Consulting Psychology71, 764-772.

Tejeda, M. J., Scandura, T. A., & Pillai, R. (2001). The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire revisited: Psychometric properties and recommendations. The Leadership Quarterly12, 31-52.

Bobko, P. & Tejeda, M. J. (2000). The centrality of the liberal arts to management education. Journal of Business Education12, 1-10.

Selected Professional Activities

Tejeda, M.J. (2007). The Use of film and television in the Teaching of Diversity. Presentation accepted for Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 5-9, Philadelphia, PA.

Scandura, T. A. & Tejeda, M. J. (2003) Leader-Member Exchange as a Moderator of Fairness Perception. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychologists.

Tejeda, M. J. (2002, November). Rainmaking: understanding grants and grantsmanship. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Management Association, Atlanta, GA.

Bobko, P. & Tejeda, M. J. (1999, August). The importance of liberal arts and fundamental education to managers for the next millennium. Academy of Management, Management Education and Development division, Chicago, IL.

Tejeda, M.J. (1998). Heterosexism in the workplace: An agenda for research. Academy of Management, Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division, San Diego, CA.

Tejeda, M. J., Scandura, T.A. & Pillai, R. (1997, August). Charismatic leadership: A review, reanalysis, and integration of major theories. Academy of Management, Organizational Behavior Division, Boston, MA.

Selected Conference Presentations

Tejeda, M.J. (2019). Discriminant function analysis to identify minority faith subgroups. Pagan Educational Research Symposium, July 25- 28, Atlanta, GA.

Tejeda, M.J. (2018). Understanding Orisha culture and work. Pagan Educational Research Symposium, July 13- 18, Atlanta, GA.

Tejeda, M.J. (2017). Leading diversity in the 21st Century. Paper and Panel presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, April 27-29, Orlando, FL.

Castater, N.M. & Tejeda, M.J. (2016). Still in the looking glass: Cuba with mirror data. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of International Business, June 27th - 30th, 2016. New Orleans, LA

Tejeda, M.J. (2016). The Paradox of Surrender: Religion, Business and the Environment. Paper presented at the Greening of Religion Conference, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, April 2-4, 2016.

Castater, N.M., Tejeda, M.J., & Wong, R. M. (2014). Cuba through the looking glass: A study of reform with mirror data. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southeast Chapter of the Academy of International Business, October 23rd- 25th, 2014. Miami, FL

Tejeda, M.J. 2014. “Panem Nostrum Quotidianum: Exploring Economic Justice through Food”, Paper Presented at Biennial Colloquium of Dominican Colleges and Universities, June 12th – 15th, Rockville Center, NY.

Tejeda, M.J. (2014). Exploring Economic Justice through Food. Presented at the 13th Biennial Colloquium of Dominican Colleges and Universities. June 12-14, 2014, Molloy College, Rockville Center, NY.

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