Ricardo Jimenez

Chair of Mathematics & Computer Science

Ricardo Jimenez
Ricardo Jimenez Chair of Mathematics & Computer Science


  • Ph.D. in Computer Information Sciences, Nova Southeastern University


Ricardo Jimenez, Ph.D. (Nova Southeastern University, Computer Information Sciences), is currently the department chair of the Mathematics and Computer Science Department. Dr. Jimenez is also the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies for the College of Arts and Sciences. His current area of research is Haptics, which is the study of the use of the sense of touch in Human-Computer Interaction. His current research focuses on the development of a vibrotactile belt which aids in blind waypoint navigation.

Dr. Jimenez is a council member of the Florida Academy of Science where he chairs the Computer Science and Mathematics section. He is also a board member of the NAF STEM Advisory Board which works towards promoting STEM education throughout Miami-Dade Public Schools.

Dr. Jimenez is involved in a variety of community service projects most notable of which is addressing the Digital Divide issues throughout the local community. He created a service-learning course in which students refurbish donated computers and place in various local community centers. Throughout the years and with the collaboration of many students, over 300 computers have been placed in the community.

In the classroom, Dr. Jimenez teaches a variety of courses in programming, database, and security as well as engaging students in undergraduate research which has culminated in presentations at local, regional, national, and international academic venues, as well as, publications in journals and conference proceedings.

Scholarly Activities 



  • Jimenez R., Jimenez A.M. (2018) Sequential Recognition Rate and Latency Using Frequency-Based Tactons. Extended Abstract, Oral Presentation, Session Chair IHSED 2018: 1st International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design, Future Trends and Applications. CHU Universite de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France. October 25-27, 2018
  • Jimenez R., Jimenez A.M. (2016) Blind Waypoint Navigation Using a Computer Controlled Vibrotactile proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2016) Orlando, Florida. July, 2016. Paper in: Advances in Human Factors and System Interactions. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 497. Springer, Cham.
  • Jimenez R., (2013) Differences between a Young and Older Computer Users’ Recognition Rate of Tactons. HCI International 2013 - Posters’ Extended Abstracts. HCI 2013. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 373. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Jimenez, R. (2012) A Comparison of a Young and Older Adult Population of Computer Users’ Recognition Rates of Different Tactons Using Modulation and Simple Waveforms as Stimulus Parameters. Dissertation, Nova Southeastern University.
  • Jimenez, R. Deeb K. (2003). Using Intelligent Agents for the Development of a Biological Approach to Computer Virus Detection. 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2003)
  • Jimenez, R. Deeb K. (June 2003). A Hybrid Model Approach to Artificial Intelligence.  Advances in Soft-Computing, Springer-Verlag Series.




  • Jimenez R., Jimenez A.M. (2018) Sequential Recognition Rate and Latency Using Frequency-Based Tactons. AHFE(2018) AHFE 2017: 9th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2017. Orlando Florida, July 21-25 2018.
  • Jimenez R., Patnelli C., Hernandez-Panunzio B., Jimenez A.M.(2017Object Recognition Rate and Latency Using Frequency-Based Tactons AHFE 2017: 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2017. Los Angeles, California, July 17-22 2017.
  • Jimenez, R., Jimenez A.M. (2015) Time differences and error rates between low-frequency tacton cues and audio cues in blind navigation of a complex maze. AHFE 2015: 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2015. Las Vegas, Nevada. July 26-30 2015.
  • Jimenez, A.M., Jimenez, R. (2009) Didactic Delivery of Supplemental Coursework by Various Academic Disciplines Using Blackboard®. 20th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Jacksonville, Fl April 13th – 17th 2009.

Scholarly Review 

  • 2020 Paper review HealthCare Manuscript ID: healthcare-963805
  • A Deep Learning Approach to ECG Classification based on Adversarial Domain Adaptation
  • 2019 Paper review for Journal Applied Science MDPI Manuscript ID: applsci-640580 Title: Haptic Hybrid Prototyping an AR Application of texture.
  • 2019 Paper review for the Journal Sensors, Manuscript ID sensors-464882 IMU Consensus Exception Detection with Dynamic Time Warping—A Comparative Approach
  • 2019 Paper review for The 23rd World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2019 conference proceeding 'Construction and Management of Fingerprint Database with Estimated Reference Locations for WiFi Indoor Positioning Systems'.
  • 2018 Paper review for Journal Applied Science MDPI Manuscript ID: applsci-370700. Title: Towards a reliable identification of deficient code with a combination of software metrics.
  • 2018 Paper review for Journal of Sensors MDPI Manuscript ID: sensors-335598. Title:Using Inertial Measurement Units and Electromyography to Quantify Movement during Action Research Arm Test Execution
  • 2018 Paper review for Journal of Sustainability MDPI Manuscript ID: sustainability-317460. Title: Evaluating the Energy Consumption of Mobile Data Transfer—From Technology Development to Consumer Behaviour and Life Cycle Thinking.
  • 2018 Paper review for Journal of Applied Science MDPI Manuscript ID: applsci-301344. Title: SysML-based Optimization of Global Variables Arrangement for Visualization in Distributed Control Systems Oriented Towards Communication Performance.
  • 2018 Paper review for Journal of Information MDPI Manuscript ID: information-278781. Title: A Platform for Automatic Combination of Garments to Blind People – My Eyes.
  • 2017 Paper review for Journal of Behavioral Science MDPI Manuscript ID: behavsci-250912. Title: Sensitivity to Social Contingency in Adults with High-Functioning Autism during Computer-Mediated Embodied Interaction.
  • 2017 Paper review for Journal of Applied Science MDPI Manuscript ID: applsci-233810. Title: Wearable Vibration Based Computer Interaction and Communication System for Deaf.
  • 2017 Paper review for Journal of Applied Science MDPI Manuscript ID: applsci-171073. Title: Sensing Performance of a Vibrotactile Glove for Deaf-Blind People.
  • 2017 Paper review for Journal of Sensors  MDPI Manuscript ID: sensors-202944. Title: Towards Mobile Gait Analysis: Concurrent Validity and Test-Retest Reliability of an Inertial Measurement System for the Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Gait Parameters
  • 2017 Paper review for Journal of Future Internet MDPI Manuscript ID futureinternet-230782. Title: A Combinational Buffer Management Scheme in Mobile Opportunistic Network.
  • 2013- Present, Abstract review Florida Academy of Sciences, annual meeting, Math and CS section.

Publication-Student Research 


Dasilva, J., Jimenez R., Schiller R., Zivanovic Gonzalez S.(2017) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-based Automobile License Plate Recognition System for Institutional Parking Lots. Proceedings of the:  21st World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2017 July 8 - 11, 2017 – Orlando, Florida.



  • Jimenez R., (2018) Object Recognition Rate of Frequency Based Tactons Presented at 82nd Annual Meeting of Florida Academy of Sciences, Barry University, Fl. March, 2018
  • Jimenez R., (2017) Addressing Digital Divide Issues in Our Community Through a Computer Systems Service-Learning Course. CCSI Fourth annual Community Engagement Symposium. Barry University March (2017).
  • Jimenez R (2017) Protecting MANETs From Black Hole Attacks Through a Trust-Based AODV Protocol Extension. Presented at 81st  Annual Meeting of Florida Academy of Sciences, Florida Polytechnic University, FL. March, 2017.
  • Jimenez R. (2016) Using Virtual Machines in the Design of a Computer Security Simulation Lab. presented at the 80th Annual Meeting of Florida Academy of Sciences, University South Florida, FL. March, 2016.

Posters-Student Research 


  • Alabadaly R., Jimenez, A.M., Jimenez, R. (2015) The effectives of low-frequency tacton cues in comparison to audio cues as a means of blind waypoint navigation. Presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of Florida Academy of Sciences, St. Leo University, FL, March, 2015.
  • Da Silva C., Jimenez R., Jimenez A.M. (2015) Software development of a tacton interface to determine effectiveness of tacton parameters in object recognition. Presented at the 7th S.T.E.M. Undergraduate Research Symposium, Barry University, Miami Shores, FL, April, 2015.
  • Bijaminas L., Jimenez, R. (2014) Gradual admittance into network groups (GANG) protocol, presented at the 6th S.T.E.M. Undergraduate Research Symposium, Barry University, Miami Shores, FL, April, 2014
  • Saad G,M., Jimenez A.M., Jimenez, R. (2014) The effectives of a vibrotactile belt in comparison to audio cues in blind waypoint navigation.. Presented at the 78th Annual Meeting of Florida Academy of Sciences, State River College, FL, March, 2014.
  • Saad G.M.,Jimenez, A.M Jimenez, R. (2013) A gender comparison of college-aged computer users’ modulated-waveform recognition-rates as tacton parameters and of simple-waveform detection threshold. Presented at the 8th Annual Southeast Cell Science Undergraduate Research Symposium, St. Thomas University, April, 2013.
  • Saad. G.,Jimenez, A.M.,Jimenez, R. (2013) A gender comparison of college-aged computer users’ modulated-waveform recognition-rates as tacton parameters and of simple-waveform detection threshold. Presented at the 5th S.T.E.M. Undergraduate Research Symposium, Barry University, Miami Shores, FL, April, 2013.
  • Colliard, K.,Jimenez, A.M.,Jimenez, R. (2010) Detection thresholds of different waveforms throughout a frequency range of 10-250 Hz among male and female college-age students.  Presented at the 2nd S.T.E.M. Undergraduate Research Symposium, Barry University, Miami Shores, FL. April, 2010.

Department or Guest Presentations

  • Jimenez R. (2015) Faculty presenter, The Technological Singularity, When Artificial Intelligence Exceeds Human Intellectual Capacity, HUM 300 H1, Honors Program. March 10 2015.
  • Jimenez, R. (2013) Haptic Technology in Human-Computer Interaction, Department Seminar Feb. 12 2013
  • Jimenez, R. (2004) A Partially self-Expanding Knowledge Matrix Based on Fuzzy Values and Object Generating Algorithms, Department Seminar Feb. 24 2004
  • Jimenez R., Jimenez A.M. (2017) Object Recognition Rate and Latency Using Frequency-Based Tactons.

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