Selected Publications:
Page, R., Murphey, C., Aras, Y, Chen, L., & Loftin, R. (2021). Perspectives of pregnant Hispanic women on prenatal genetic testing. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 30(3), 838848.
Lenz, A. S., Ho, C. M., Rocha, L., & Aras, Y. (2021). Reliability generalization of scores on the Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 54(2), 106-119.
Lenz, A. S., Rocha, L., & Aras, Y. (2021). Measuring school climate: A systematic review of initial development and validation studies. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 43(1), 48-62.
Rocha, L., Lenz, A. S., & Aras, Y. (2019). Measuring school climate among Spanish-Speaking students: A systematic review of primary methodological studies. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 41(4), 464-480.
Zyromski, B., Dollarhide, C.T., Aras, Y., Geiger, S., Oehrtman, J.P., & Clarke, H. (2018). Beyond complex trauma: Existential view of adverse childhood experiences. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, 57 (3), 156-172.
Gibson, D., Moss, J., Dollarhide, C., Aras, Y., & Mitchell, T. (2018). Examining leadership with American Counseling Association Presidents: A grounded theory of leadership identity development. Journal of Counseling and Development, 96 (4), 361-371.
Selected Presentations:
Aras, Y., & Hayes, S. (October, 2022). “The Use of Virtual Reality in Mental Health: Outcomes, Challenges, Perspectives.” All Ohio Counselors Conference, Columbus, OH.
Aras, Y., Pfeiffer, S., & Uzondu, A. (September, 2022). “An Evidence-Based Mentoring Model: Implications for Counselor Educators Working with International Doctoral Students in Counselor Education Programs.” Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.
Rodriguez, A., & Aras, Y. (February, 2020). “Resiliency in K-12 Schools: A Guide for Helping a Campus Heal After a Crisis.” Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision MidWinter Conference.
Aras, Y., Lenz, A. S., Rocha, L., & Ho, C. M. (September, 2019). “Reliability generalization of the Relational Health Indices.” Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
Aras, Y., & Rocha, L. (April, 2019). “Working with refugees: Practical and evidence-based strategies for counselors.” Gulf Coast Counseling Association Conference, Corpus Christi, TX.
Walker, T., Dollarhide, C.T., Aras, Y., & Garcia, G.L. (October, 2018). “Social justice professional development at the national level: A content analysis of ACA conferences.” North Central Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Cleveland, Ohio.