Donovan Johnson

Mathematical Science with a specialization in Data Analytics

Donovan Johnson
Donovan Johnson Mathematical Science with a specialization in Data Analytics

Areas of Interest

Hometown: Miami, FL High School: School for Advanced Studies


I decided on a STEM major because I enjoyed my math classes in high school. I believe it is the best idea to continue to enjoy what I love doing. In addition, Barry University has given me the opportunity to not only show my talents and my ability to learn more but also graduate with financial stability. I knew I had a passion for STEM when I was in the 7th-grade. At the time, I was taking the most advanced math classes with high school students. Since then, I’ve continued to take the most challenging math classes, pushing myself to achieve more. The most interesting The STEM-related topic I have learned about is the different types of programming languages. I enjoy learning how computers process information and the problem-solving approaches in my computer science class. As of right now, I do not have a dream profession. My goal is to continue to research professions that I find interesting and that will allow me to continue to pursue my passion while providing long-term career growth.

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