The small class sizes at Barry facilitated intimate interactions with my peers—many of whom I remain in contact with—and gave me vital access to my professors. Such closeness with professors provided me a window into the human side of academia and allowed me to truly grasp how they tackled complex research questions. Moreover, their passion for their respective disciplines inspired me to explore and eventually identify my academic interests. Through my observations, I garnered profound insights into their lecture styles. I have adopted some of these pedagogical approaches in my current position as a Molecular Cell Biology instructor for a summer program at Stanford.
The flexibility of the Barry curriculum catered to my academic ambitions by enabling me to pursue dual majors in chemistry and biology, further broadening my horizons. Moreover, participation in longitudinal research during my undergraduate years was pivotal for my academic trajectory. Finally, engaging with the diverse members of the Barry community offered a holistic educational experience. These interactions have indelibly shaped my perspective, shaping my vision of the empathetic and informed physician I aspire to be.
Peter Nwokoye, MPhil
Medical student at Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford University