Lot Name
Designated Use
Additional Notes
Landon South Lot
Open to:
Commuter Students
Faculty-Staff with Permits.
Visitors pay by hour or daily
Visitors or any vehicle without a current permit are required to pay $2/hour or $10/day. Day defined as 5 or more hours.
Bookstore Lot
Premium Lot – Mobile Pay Only
Faculty- Staff, Resident, Commuter Student permits are NOT valid in Premium Lots
All vehicles $3/hour or $15/day.
Day defined as 5 or more hours.
EV Charging Spaces
*Open to any plug-in Vehicle at no cost.
8-Hour time limit. Violations over time limit incur $25 fine.
Landon North Lot
Open to Faculty-Staff with current permit
Barry ID Card access only
Tennis Court Lot
Open to Commuter students with current Commuter permit.
This lot is also designated for all vehicles used solely for university business. Athletics, Food Service, CES etc. Faculty-Staff personal vehicles are prohibited 6A-5P Monday-Friday
Kolasa Lot
Benincasa Lot
Bevilacqua Lot
Open to:
Resident students, Faculty-Staff with current permit.
After hour Visitors pay by hour or daily.
Visitors or any vehicle without a current permit are required to pay $2/hour or $10/day. Day defined as 5 or more hours. After hour Visitor parking 6PM-6AM.
Overflow lot – Podiatry
**Open to Commuter Students, Resident Students, Faculty-Staff with current permits. Visitors pay by hour or daily
Visitors or any vehicle without a current permit are required to pay $2/hour or $10/day. Day defined as 5 or more hours. – This lot is expected to become unavailable Fall 2025
Powers Lot
Open to Faculty-Staff with current permit
Care Center Patients parking rules TBD
LaVoie Lot
Open to designated Faculty-Staff with Current Permits
Restricted Access – Campus Safety Access controlled
Flood – Mottram Doss Lot
Open to Resident students with current permit. After hour Visitors pay by hour or daily.
Visitors or any vehicle without a current permit are required to pay $2/hour or $10/day. Day defined as 5 or more hours. After hour Visitor parking 6PM-6AM.
D & D – Weber – Sage – Brown - Kelley
Open to Resident students, Faculty-Staff with current permit. After hour Visitors pay by hour or daily.
Visitors or any vehicle without a current permit are required to pay $2/hour or $10/day. Day defined as 5 or more hours. After hour Visitor parking 6PM-6AM.
Adrian – Twohig – Wiegand – O’Laughlin
Open to Faculty-Staff with current permit
Barry ID Card access only
Broad Lot
Premium Lot – Mobile Pay Only
Faculty- Staff, Resident, Commuter Student permits are NOT valid in Premium Lots
All vehicles $3/hour or $15/day.
Day defined as 5 or more hours.
Garner Lot
Open to Faculty-Staff with current permit
Barry ID Card access only
Campus Mall – Chapel
Premium spaces – Mobile Pay Only
Faculty- Staff, Resident, Commuter Student permits are NOT valid in Premium spaces
All vehicles $3/hour or $15/day.
Day defined as 5 or more hours.
Campus Mall - Thompson
Restricted to VIP only
Faculty- Staff, Resident Student, Commuter Student permits are NOT valid anywhere in the Campus Mall.
Mail Room – Designated Space
5 minute – pick-up drop off only
Violations over time limit incur $25 fine.
Ride Share – Drop off- Pick-up Areas
Unattended vehicles prohibited
Vehicles parked in Ride Share areas are subject to $25 fine per occurrence.
Rooney Building – Extended Learning
Open to:
Commuter Students, Resident Students, Faculty-Staff with current Permits.
Visitors pay by hour or daily
Visitors or any vehicle without a current permit are required to pay $2/hour or $10/day. Day defined as 5 or more hours.
Sim Annex – NE 115th St
Open to:
Commuter Students, Resident Students, Faculty-Staff with current Permits.
Visitors pay by hour or daily
Visitors or any vehicle without a current permit are required to pay $2/hour or $10/day. Day defined as 5 or more hours.
Hopper Building
Open to Faculty-Staff with current permit
11600 Building
Open to Faculty-Staff with current permit
Villa Lot North - Facilities
Open to Faculty-Staff with current permit
Villa Lot South – Future Overflow
***Open to Commuter Students, Resident Students, Faculty-Staff with current Permits. Visitors pay by hour or daily
Visitors or any vehicle without a current permit are required to pay $2/hour or $10/day. Day defined as 5 or more hours.