
Career and Experiential Learning

Service-learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates relevant community service with coursework and critical reflection to enrich the learning experience, foster social responsibility and civic engagement, and strengthen communities. Coursework (academic content) + collaborative service + critical reflection = service-learning

Designated Service-Learning Courses

For Students: As part of some courses you are taking, you may be required to provide service to the community, most often through community partner organizations. You will reflect on your service experience in the context of the coursework. An increasing number of courses carry the service-learning designation in the catalog and course schedule. The designation will be indicated on your official transcript.

For Faculty: The Career and Experiential Learning (CEL) Department invites faculty members whose courses include a service-learning component to apply for the “SL” designation. Applications may be submitted at any time throughout the academic year. Sections of courses, internships, practicum assignments, field education, capstones, community-based research, and similar community-focused or community-based experiences may be designated as service-learning. For detailed information on the service-learning designation requirements, contact Career and Experiential Learning,  

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