
Disclaimers, Privacy, Copyright & Accessibility

Website Privacy Policy

At Barry University, we respect and value your privacy. We believe in transparency and want you to understand what information we collect from you when you visit the University’s websites and what control you have over that information. This Privacy Statement describes, in general terms, how we collect your information, why we collect your information, how we use or share your information, and what control you have over your information.

Barry University Privacy Policy

University Non-Discrimination Statement

Barry University does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, ancestry, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, familial status, marital status, pregnancy, age, disability status or veteran status. This policy applies to students, employees, applicants and trustees with respect to participation in any program, benefit, activity or student/employment opportunity offered by the University. Every member of the University community is expected to uphold this policy as a matter of mutual respect and fundamental fairness in human relations. Every student of this institution has a responsibility to conduct himself/herself in accordance with this policy as a condition of enrollment. Further, every University employee has an obligation to observe Barry University policies and implementation of federal and state law as a term of employment. No person shall be retaliated against for reporting violations or concerns about prohibited discrimination or bias through appropriate University channels.

Nothing in this non-discrimination statement shall require Barry University to act in a manner contrary to the beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church or the University mission statement.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

At Barry University, we take your privacy seriously. That's why we're committed to upholding the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a federal law that protects the privacy of your education records. 

With FERPA, you have the right to access and control your education records, as well as the right to restrict the disclosure of your information to third parties. And as your trusted partner in education, we take our responsibilities under FERPA seriously, ensuring that your information is always kept safe and confidential. 

So rest assured that when you enroll at Barry University, you can trust us to protect your privacy and safeguard your education. Discover more about FERPA and your rights on our FERPA page today, and let us help you achieve your academic goals with confidence and peace of mind. 

Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Barry University is permitted to disclose information from your education records to your parents if your parents (or one of your parents) claim you as a dependent for federal tax purposes. The term “parent” includes natural parent, guardian, or individual acting as a parent in the absence of a natural parent or guardian. Barry University will not release your records to third parties without your written authorization.  

FERPA Policy

Copyright Statement To report copyright infringements on Barry University web sites, please notify:

Yvette Brown
Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Chief Information Officer

Barry University
Department of Information Technology
11300 NE Second Avenue
Miami, Florida 33161-6695

E-mail (preferred):

Phone: (305) 899-3600
Fax: (305) 899-3607

Ms. Brown is the agent designated under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, P.L. 105-304.

Web Accessibility Statement Barry University is committed to accessibility

Barry University strives to maintain a website that is both accessible to all visitors and compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) put forth by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

We recognize that accessibility and usability are not always possible in every area of the website, or for those visitors using assistive technologies and devices. Barry University conducts accessibility reviews of its website and remediates issues uncovered by these audits. Please be aware that our efforts are ongoing.

Barry University Web Accessibility Statement

EASE Grant Performance Measures

Barry University’s EASE Grant Performance Measures on Access Rate, Affordability Rate, Graduation Rate, Retention Rate and Postgraduate Employment Rate are specifically listed on the ICUF Dashboard at this link:

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