Leadership on Demand

De Porres Center

Leadership On Demand

Leadership on Demand is designed to meet the needs of the campus community by offering a variety of leadership training, facilitation, and resources to foster growth within ethical leadership ideals. The De Porres Center for Leadership and Inclusion provides these opportunities to departments, offices, student organizations and clubs, faculty and staff, and students at Barry University. All requests available below should be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance of the desired program, consultation, or equipment rental dates.

Program Requests: Groups can request a staff member from the De Porres Center for Leadership and Inclusion to provide facilitation or training on a variety of leadership topics. Anyone requesting a program is responsible for date selection, participant recruitment, and logistics behind the event. Program requests are arranged so that the office staff serves as facilitators/trainers.

  • Assessments – Assessments can be used to recognize strengths within a team, become aware of existing personality types, or understand communication styles. We can debrief assessments that a group has completed through reflections or activities requested. Examples of assessments that our staff have experience with are StrengthsQuest, Communication Styles, and True Colors.
  • Teambuilding – A two-step process by which groups or teams first focus on barriers to effective group work and purpose, and then enact changes to remove barriers and improve group effectiveness. Teambuilders are selected based on the groups’ desired learning outcomes such as effective communication, problem-solving, time management, and delegation.
  • Icebreakers or Energizers – Icebreakers are ways to get people introduced to each other and begin to build relationships. Energizers are activities that get a group psyched up or relaxed, laugh, or break tension within a group.
  • Program – Programs utilize a variety of the previously mentioned options combined and may include training on a selected leadership focus area. Creating a program or workshop will require meetings prior to the event date so that the office staff can best meet the needs of your group.

Office Consultations: Consultations are available to assist clubs and organizations in meeting their leadership goals throughout the development of workshops, training, or retreats. For an office consultation please complete this form. We are available to discuss a variety of frameworks and resources including:

Equipment Rental: Barry organizations, offices, and departments are able to borrow our teambuilding kits as needed. Anyone requesting the use of these items is expected to pick up the items from Thompson 203 the day before it is needed and returned by the following day.

Complete this form to request any of the services we offer and you will receive a message from an office staff member within 3 days of your submission.

For upcoming programs, follow us on Instagram @barryumission or contact us at leadership@barry.edu.

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