Building Posting Policy

Student Union

Reservation Requirements

The university has designated suitable areas in most buildings for the purpose of providing a place to post notices. The purpose of this set of procedures is to outline guidelines for the general posting and distribution of publicity material(s) as well as provide guidelines for the use of designated places on campus for the posting of said material(s).


Publicity materials should not be posted or distributed until appropriate approval has been received. All announcements shall indicate the name of the individual or group sponsoring the notice and receive approval from the appropriate building manager. The sponsoring individual or group is responsible for removing the publicity material.

Publicity material(s) shall be posted only on bulletin boards or other approved areas designated in this policy. Under no circumstances shall any publicity material be placed, written, or painted upon any surface (interior or exterior) including, but not limited to trees or shrubs, cars, poles, signs, doors, windows, walls, sidewalks, or other campus structures.

The primary advertising message may not promote alcohol or other drugs. Phrases or pictures promoting these substances must be avoided. Material must not contain statements or pictures that would reasonably be perceived as offensive or insensitive to any group on the basis of religion, ethnicity, age, disability, gender, or sexual orientation. Announcements failing to meet these requirements will be removed without notice.

The distribution of any publicity material(s) shall be consistent with the orderly conduct of the university's affairs, the maintenance of university property, and the free flow of traffic and persons. Efforts must be made to avoid litter. Distribution by means of personal solicitation, accosting individuals, hawking, or shouting is strictly prohibited.

Violations of this policy constitute violations of university policy and will be addressed through appropriate disciplinary channels.

Designed Locations and Procedures

  • Only registered student organizations, academic units, university departments, and approved non-university entries may publicize in the Landon Student Union. Priority is given to registered student organizations.
    All flyers intended for the Landon Student Union must be approved by the Office of the Student Union and stamped for posting. Allow 24 hours for the approval of all flyers. The stamp will have a date of expiration of fourteen (14) days from when it is posted. The Student Union staff will be responsible for posting and removal of all flyers in Landon Student Union. As many as five (5) flyers per event may be posted in the Landon Student Union at any given time.

    All publicity materials other than flyers (i.e. posters, table tents, floor signs, banners, wall murals, message boards, televisions, displays, etc.) must receive written approval from the Director of Student Activities prior to posting materials in the Landon Student Union.

  • Only registered student organizations, academic units, university departments, and approved non-university entities may publicize in Thompson Hall.

    All flyers intended for Thompson Hall must be approved by the Office of the Student Union and stamped for posting. Allow 24 hours for the approval of all flyers. The stamp will have a date of expiration of fourteen (14) days from when it is posted. The Student Union staff will be responsible for posting and removal of all flyers in Thompson Hall; As many as five (5) flyers per event may be posted in Thompson Hall at any given time.

  • The Office of Residential Life must approve all publicity material(s) intended for the Residence Halls.

  • Designated areas of academic buildings are available for posting of publicity material(s). All publicity material(s) intended for academic buildings must be approved by the appropriate building manager(s).

    For more information, guidelines, and publicity procedures, please contact the office of the Student Union.

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