Due to the vulnerability to a wide range of hazards, the CEMP was developed using a risked based hazard analysis. The BASIC PLAN is all-hazard in scope while later sections of the CEMP provide specific guidance to some of the University's most likely hazards. The University's vulnerabilities are listed below by hazard category.
Hazard Analysis
Natural Hazards:
- Hurricanes
- Fires
- Floods
- Tornadoes
- Pandemics & Infectious Disease
Accidental Technological Hazards:
- Utility/Telecommunication Failures
- Hazardous Material Spills/Releases
- Radiological Release – Transportation and Turkey Point Power Plant
- Document Retention
- Major Vehicle Accidents
Intentional Human-Generated Hazards:
- Active Shooters
- Civil Disturbances/Demonstrations/Riots
- Cyber Security
- Bombings
- Other Terrorism Incidents
Hazard Specific Plan
Hazard Specific Plans should cover the phases of emergency management: Preparation and Prevention, Detection and Analysis, Response (Containment or Eradication), Recovery and Mitigation, Post Incident and Continuity.