Innovative Service Technology

Emergency Operation Plans

Mail Services


If a storm threatens necessary precautions will be taken by IST staff once notified by Barry University. IST management will direct and oversee staff in preparedness of both mailroom and package room.


  1. All mailing equipment will be unplugged and covered with plastic bags.
  2. All computer systems in mailroom will be unplugged, removed off the floor and place on top of desks and cover in plastic.
  3. Odyssey PCS (Cash Register) will be unplugged and covered with a plastic bag.
  4. All mail in Mail boxes will be:
    1. Removed , tagged with Box Number, rubber banded and place in mail bucket
    2. Mail bucket will be placed into bag and tied up.
    3. All mail buckets that contain mail will be taken to student package area.
  5. All packages will be taken to student package area placed on shelves and then draped in plastic.
  6. Any power strips on the floor will be unplug and place on top of desk.
  7. Monitors in Mailroom area will be draped in plastic to prevent any damage.
  8. Both front and back door will be sandbagged in order to prevent water getting into mailroom.
  9. Site Manager will place a work order and or call for shutter to be place on 2 windows and back door in the mailroom area.

Student Package Room:

  1. All computer systems in the package room will be unplugged, be removed of the floor, place on top of desks and cover in plastic.
  2. All student packages will be placed on shelves and then draped in plastic.


Will be contacted by Site Manager to verify that all data on computer are currently backup offsite.

Once operation is secured IST Staff will be sent home. Barry University will inform Site Manager at 786-587-5568 when it is safe to return back to normal operations. Site Manager will call staff to return back to work.

Note: All Hurricane Preparedness supplies will be kept in designated label boxes in designed areas of the operations.

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