Satisfactory Academic Progress Review
The Financial Aid Office will review satisfactory academic progress for financial aid recipients at the end of each semester.
This policy is applicable to all undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students receiving federal financial aid.
If a student is not making satisfactory academic progress at the end of a semester, the student will be notified in writing and placed on financial aid warning for one semester. Federal aid will be disbursed for the following semester, but at the end of that semester, the Financial Aid Office will review the student academic record and termination actions will be taken if satisfactory academic progress has not been met. If federal student aid is terminated, notification will be sent concerning the appeal process.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Statuses:
Students are considered in “good standing” if they meet all of the SAP requirements defined in this policy. Students in good standing are not notified at the end of each quarter or SAP evaluation.
Warning Status
The first time that a student does not meet the required completion or cumulative grade point average, the student will be placed on financial aid warning. The student will retain federal financial aid eligibility.
Termination Status
The student will not be eligible to receive any federal or institutional financial aid, even if the student is permitted to continue enrollment at Barry University.
Probation Status
If a student has received a warning semester and is still in violation of the SAP requirements, the student is suspended from receiving financial aid. The student may appeal this decision and if the appeal is approved, the student will be placed on a probation semester and will be eligible to receive financial aid for this semester. The probationary period may be extended to more than one semester if approved by professional judgment. An academic plan may be required for a probationary status that is longer than one semester. Financial aid probation notices will be sent via email to your Barry email address.
Academic Plan
A student who cannot meet the minimum standards by the next evaluation period is placed on an academic plan. The academic plan is designed to allow the student to meet minimum academic standards. Progress is checked each semester and evaluated based on the terms of the plan. If the student fails to meet the requirements of the plan, they will become ineligible for financial aid. If a student meets the minimum SAP standards while on an academic plan their financial aid status is updated to eligible at their next evaluation. An academic plan should be provided by your program advisor.