eReference by Subject

Monsignor William Barry Memorial Library


Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians

Contemporary Musicians Series (Individual Volume Selection) or Contemporary Musicians Series (Entire Series Selection) - Provides biographical information from 1989 - 2004 on important figures in today's musical arena, covering artists working in all genres of modern music, including rock, jazz, pop, rap, rhythm and blues, folk, New Age, country, gospel and reggae.

Encyclopedia of African American Culture and History

Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art and Architecture

Grove Encyclopedia of Classical Art and Architecture

Grove Encyclopedia of Decorative Arts

Grove Encyclopedia of Materials and Techniques in Art

International Encyclopedia of Dance

Movies in American History: An Encyclopedia

Oxford Art Online

Oxford Classical Dictionary

Oxford Encyclopedia of American Cultural and Intellectual History

Oxford Companion to American Theatre

Oxford Companion to the Photograph

Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance

Oxford Music Online

St. James Encyclopedia of Hip Hop Culture - Examines the history and contributions of hip hop to American and global culture, including the music, dance, and visual arts that are its artistic expressions. Entries also examine hip hop's influence in other arenas such as fashion, film, and poetry; its impact on education, politics, social activism, racial and ethnic identity, and globalization; and its many contributions to American, urban, black, and Latino cultures.


21st Century Management

Business Plans Handbook - Volume 50

Encyclopedia of American Industries 6th ed

Encyclopedia of Leadership

Encyclopedia of Management

Encyclopedia of Small Business, 3rd ed., 2v, 2007

Encyclopedia of Sports Management and Marketing (4 vols.) - Provides approximately 834 original articles to provide business-themed definitions and sport-specific examples to illustrate and explain the academic sport management context. Some topics have a narrow focus and apply to a specific common, professional component. For example, "Customer Satisfaction" is a detailed analysis of a topic specific to event management. However, most entries cover at least two topical areas, such as "Contracts, Vendors," and are useful within event management and the legal aspects of sport. Likewise, "Activation, Sponsorship" is identifiable with sport marketing and event management.

Handbook of Public Administration

International Encyclopedia of Marketing (6 vols.) - With 360 entries from over 500 global experts, the Encyclopedia offers one of the premier business reference sources available worldwide.

The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics

Oxford Business Spanish Dictionary: English-Spanish

Oxford Business Spanish Dictionary: Spanish-English

SAGE Handbook of Human Resource Management


Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians

Contemporary Musicians Series (Individual Volume Selection) or Contemporary Musicians Series (Entire Series Selection) - Provides biographical information from 1989 - 2004 on important figures in today's musical arena, covering artists working in all genres of modern music, including rock, jazz, pop, rap, rhythm and blues, folk, New Age, country, gospel and reggae.

Oxford Encyclopedia of American Cultural and Intellectual History

Oxford Music Online

St. James Encyclopedia of Hip Hop Culture - Examines the history and contributions of hip hop to American and global culture, including the music, dance, and visual arts that are its artistic expressions. Entries also examine hip hop's influence in other arenas such as fashion, film, and poetry; its impact on education, politics, social activism, racial and ethnic identity, and globalization; and its many contributions to American, urban, black, and Latino cultures.


Florida Statistical Abstract Online (FSAO) - The Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR) founded at the University of Florida in 1929 has published the Florida Statistical Abstract each year since 1967. This award-winning and leading source of statistical data on Florida cities and counties provides information on population, housing, employment, income, education, health, tourism, elections, and much more.

GPO Federal Digital System - Provides free online access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government. Search or browse selected essential documents from the president, Congress, the courts, and agencies. Previously called GPO Access.

WorldCat - Tells which libraries own specific books, audio tapes, videos and cds.

Social Work

Alcoholism Sourcebook - 3rd ed.

Domestic Violence: A Reference Handbook - 2nd.ed.

Drug Abuse Sourcebook

Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco - Learning about Addictive Behavior

DSM-5 - Current Edition

Encyclopedia of Contemporary American Social Issues

Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol and Addictive Behavior

Encyclopedia of Gangs

Encyclopedia of Homelessness

Encyclopedia of Juvenile Justice

Encyclopedia of Social Welfare History in the United States

Encyclopedia of Social Work - Includes coverage of areas that have come to the fore since the 1995 publication of the 19th edition, including demographic changes from immigration, technology, the implications of managed care, faith-based assistance, evidence-based practice, gerontology, and trauma and disaster.

Encyclopedia of Substance Abuse Prevention

Handbook of Death & Dying

Handbook of Families and Poverty

Handbook of Social Work - World's first generic major reference work to provide and authoritative guide to the theory, method, and values of social work in one volume.

Homelessness in America

PolicyMap - A US-National web-based Geographic Information System used to understand communities. With easy-to-use menus, PolicyMap is a “GIS tool for non-GIS experts” for those who need to visualize large amounts of data quickly and easily, often down to the census tract or block group level. It is used in the social sciences, urban studies and regional planning, real estate and housing analysis, community and economic development, public administration and policy, public health, political science, education, environmental studies, business and finance, economics, statistics and geography, among other areas. In addition, students and faculty can easily upload and incorporate their data into and leverage it against the thousands of indicators already available in PolicyMap.

Prejudice in the Modern World Reference Library

Laws of Florida

SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods

SAGE Handbook of Social Work Research - Provides a comprehensive, internationally-focused account of leading social work research, offering an original and defining statement on contemporary theory and practice within the field.


Encyclopedia of Sports Management and Marketing (4 vols.) - Provides approximately 834 original articles to provide business-themed definitions and sport-specific examples to illustrate and explain the academic sport management context. Some topics have a narrow focus and apply to a specific common, professional component. For example, "Customer Satisfaction" is a detailed analysis of a topic specific to event management. However, most entries cover at least two topical areas, such as "Contracts, Vendors," and are useful within event management and the legal aspects of sport. Likewise, "Activation, Sponsorship" is identifiable with sport marketing and event management.

Encyclopedia of Recreation and Leisure in America

Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine

Fitness and Exercise Sourcebook - 4th ed.

Handbook of Physical Education

World of Sports Science


Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics (FSAO) - Information and ready-to-use facts from the fields of measurement and statistics. Specifically designed to appeal to beginning and intermediate-level students, practitioners, researchers, and consumers of information.

Florida Statistical Abstract Online (FSAO) - The Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR) founded at the University of Florida in 1929 has published the Florida Statistical Abstract each year since 1967. This award-winning and leading source of statistical data on Florida cities and counties provides information on population, housing, employment, income, education, health, tourism, elections, and much more...

Statistical Abstract of the United States 1878-2012 - The Statistical Abstract of the United States, published since 1878, is the authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States. Use the Abstract as a convenient volume for statistical reference, and as a guide to sources of more information both in print and on the Web.
Sources of data include the Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bureau of Economic Analysis, and many other Federal agencies and private organizations.

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