At Barry, our 80-plus-year tradition of making an impact—changing lives, advancing social justice, and serving the community—is as strong as ever. It is reflected in our classrooms and our every endeavor, and we are so deeply proud. Perhaps most notably, it is reflected in the incredible work of our tens of thousands of alumni across the globe. Meeting and talking with alumni are great highlights of serving as president. A recurring theme of my many conversations is the love our alumni have for Barry. Without fail, our graduates are effusive in sharing how special their time at Barry was, and that they wish there were more opportunities to stay involved. This magazine is one of many ways we want to engage with you and involve you in the life of the university. In reading about Barry today, I hope you share in our pride and are moved to forge an even deeper connection with your alma mater.
"I am delighted to celebrate the relaunch of our Barry Magazine and further strengthen our connection to our alumni and friends worldwide."