Scott Kantro, DPM, CEO and Founder of Arche Healthcare states that “It is astounding that 30 years after evidence-based prevention measures were developed, that diabetic foot wounds and amputations are so prevalent. Arche Healthcare’s mission is to decrease the incidence of this catastrophic consequence of diabetes through a Lower Extremity Amputation Prevention (LEAP) strategy, and to prepare future podiatrists with the ability to survive in the ever-changing healthcare environment.”
Arche Healthcare’s program leverages a multimodal technology platform that assists patients, providers and payers in reducing the human and financial costs associated with diabetic foot complications.
According to Dr. Andrew JM Boulton, Arche Healthcare developed and promoted a truly comprehensive diabetic foot examination (CDFE), it is entirely appropriate that this collaboration between Arche Healthcare and Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine will be targeting its students as their future careers will be vital in preventing foot ulcers and amputations in people with diabetes. Research by Drs. Loretta Vileikyte and Jeff Gonzales reveal that the biggest driver of wounds is patients’ lack of understanding of their risk for developing one. A truly comprehensive diabetic foot exam engages patients and shows them their personal risks, leading to better adherence and increased health literacy. The innovation of the 21st Century should be engaging patients and helping them to understand their foot risk and the benefit of self-foot care.