MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY OF SERVICE: Barry University’s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service was last Saturday. Volunteers turned out for service projects and considered the importance of “Taking the First Steps Towards Justice,” the day’s theme. Full story in next week’s Community Engagement News.
Community Engagement News January 18, 2022
Service-Learning Faculty Fellowships Available for 2022–2023 Academic Year
Program Promotes Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Former service-learning faculty fellows include (L–R) Dr. Tisa McGhee, associate professor of social work; Dr. Ricardo Jimenez, associate professor of computer science; Dr. Mureen Shaw, associate professor of nursing; Dr. Ian Quamina, assistant professor of human resource development; and Dr. Celeste Landeros, professor of English and humanities.
The Center for Community Service Initiatives (CCSI) is offering service-learning faculty fellowships for the 2022–2023 academic year. February 14 is the priority application deadline.
The Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Program is designed primarily to enhance the quality of service-learning courses and to promote the scholarship of teaching and learning based on the pedagogy.
Service-learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates relevant community service with course work and critical reflection to enrich the learning experience, foster social responsibility and civic engagement, and strengthen communities.
Throughout the academic year, the service-learning faculty fellows attend professional development seminars and participate in the Faculty Learning Community for Engaged Scholarship.
Eligible faculty members are those who are employed fulltime and who teach undergraduate or graduate courses.
For further information on the Faculty Fellows Program, contact Dr. Glenn Bowen in the CCSI at
Course Instructors May Apply for the Service-Learning Designation at Any Time
Courses that meet specific criteria are labeled “service-learning” in the course schedule and are listed as such in the university catalogs.
The CCSI is inviting faculty members whose courses include a service-learning component to apply for the “SL” designation. Applications will be accepted throughout the semester.
Barry University’s definition of service-learning is as follows: “Service-learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates relevant community service with course work and critical reflection to enrich the learning experience, foster social responsibility and civic engagement, and strengthen communities.”
Sections of courses, internships, practicum assignments, field education, capstones, community-based research, and similar community-focused or community-based work may be designated as service-learning.
“Designating courses as service-learning promotes deep integration of thoughtfully organized community service into the curriculum and high standards of service-learning practice,” according to a statement from the CCSI. “Service-learning courses demonstrate the value of applied learning, student engagement with the community, and critical reflection.”
Members of Barry’s Service-Learning Designation Committee are Dr. Tamara Hamilton – chair, Dr. Pamela D. Hall, Dr. Kevin Kemerer, Dr. Mitchell Rosenwald, and Dr. Heidi Whitford.
For additional information on the service-learning designation requirements, email the CCSI at
Students, Faculty, and Staff Urged to Submit Symposium Session Presentation Proposals
Students, faculty, staff, and community partners are urged to submit proposals for presentations at Barry University’s Eighth Annual Community Engagement Symposium. The submission deadline is Friday, January 28.
Proposals should address the theme of the Symposium, “Effectively Balancing Community Impact with Student Learning Outcomes.”
- Presentation Format: The presentation must be either audiovisual or in a poster format.
- Student Learning Outcomes: The learning outcomes of the course, program, or project must be listed in the proposal.
- Community Impact: The impact of the course, program, or project on the community—community partner, agency clients, and/or residents—must be described.
- Participant Engagement: A brief statement of how the presentation will engage attendees must be included.
- Abstract: An abstract of approximately 80 words must be included in the proposal.
- Submission Deadline: Proposals for 50-minute presentations should be submitted by January 28.
All proposals for session presentations will be evaluated by peer reviewers.
The session proposal form is available at the CCSI website and via email at
Deadline for Submitting Community Engagement Awards Nominations is Fast Approaching
The deadline for the submission of nominations for Barry’s Ninth Annual Community Engagement Awards is fast approaching. Students, faculty, and staff members, as well as community partners, are invited to submit nominations by Friday, January 28.
The primary purpose of the awards is to publicly recognize students, faculty, staff/administrators, departments, and community partners for their participation, contributions, and achievements in various areas of community engagement. Each award is designed to encourage excellence in university–community collaboration and to inspire similar achievements by others.
Nominations will be accepted in seven categories: Community Impact, Community Partnership, Community-Based Research, Community-Engaged Scholarship, Community Engagement Educator, Service-Learning Faculty, and Engaged Department.
Recent winners of Community Engagement Awards include (from top, clockwise) Dr. Silvia Maciá – Service-Learning Faculty; College of Nursing and Health Sciences’ Graduate and Undergraduate Nursing – Engaged Department; the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office – Community Partnership; and the Chemistry Club – Community Impact.
- The Community Impact Award is presented to individual students and student organizations for exemplary civic engagement—including service, research, and advocacy—that has a measurable impact on the community.
- The Community Partnership Award recognizes exemplary partnerships between university and community constituencies that produce measurable improvements in people’s lives while enhancing higher education.
- The Community-Based Research Award is presented to scholars (faculty members and/or students) who conduct rigorous research with community partners in response to community concerns, issues, or needs.
- The Community-Engaged Scholarship Award is given to faculty members in recognition of significant scholarly work across the faculty roles of teaching, research, and service that addresses community issues.
- The Community Engagement Educator Award honors administrators and faculty members for significant contributions to the institutionalization or enhancement of community engagement at Barry University.
- The Service-Learning Faculty Award goes to faculty members for exemplary integration of community-based or community-focused collaborative service into the curriculum.
- The Engaged Department Award is presented to departments for achievements in advancing the community engagement goals of the university, educating students for civic and social responsibility, and improving community life.
The Community Engagement Awards Ceremony is scheduled for the last Wednesday of March. Additional information and the nomination forms are available at the CCSI website.
CCSI Urges Faculty and Students to Use Community Engagement Platform
The CCSI is urging faculty and students to use the GivePulse platform for managing and monitoring service-learning/civic engagement projects.
GivePulse is designed to make course/project management processes efficient and effective. A self-described “community of volunteers, professionals, civic leaders and service-learning students,” GivePulse provides an online platform with a central database that supports community engagement.
Students can use the system to register for service-learning projects and to connect with community partners. Also, students will be able to track their participation and contributions to the community, with information stored in one place.
Community partners have posted community service events and opportunities via the GivePulse platform <>. They use the system also to verify specific service activities and the number of hours provided by each student.
For additional information, contact the CCSI at
Copies of BarryEngage are available from the CCSI.
Contact Emmanuel Ikpuri, Federal Work-Study Community Service Program facilitator, in the CCSI at
MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY OF SERVICE: On Barry’s MLK Day of Service, students and other volunteers participated in community service and considered the importance of “Taking the First Steps Towards Justice.”
CAMPUS DEMOCRACY PROJECT: The Campus Democracy Project Committee will host a Legislative Forum on January 26.
Community Engagement News is a publication of the Center for Community Service Initiatives.
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- Facebook: barryccsi
- Twitter: @barryccsi
- Instagram: @barryccsi