Community Engagement News

Nov 29, 2021. 5 min read

Community Engagement News November 29, 2021

Concurrent Session Proposals for Community Engagement Symposium Being Accepted

Emphasis Placed on Community Impact in Student Learning Context

Proposals for presentations at Barry’s Eighth Annual Community Engagement Symposium are being accepted. The proposal submission deadline is January 28.

Scheduled for the last Wednesday of March, the annual symposium provides an opportunity to share strategies for effective university–community engagement and to highlight the outcomes of service-learning courses, community-based research, other experiential learning projects, and co-curricular civic engagement.

Students, faculty and staff members, and community partners are invited to submit proposals for 50-minute, peer-reviewed presentations at the March 30 event.

Successful proposals will address the theme of the symposium, “Effectively Balancing Community Impact with Student Learning Outcomes.” The student learning outcomes of the course, program, or project must be listed, and the community impact must be described in the proposal.

Call for Proposals

The event will feature a nationally recognized community engagement scholar–practitioner as the keynote presenter.

A student poster competition will be a highlight of the event. The winners of prizes will be announced during the closing session of the symposium.

Additional information and the proposal forms are available at the CCSI website. Questions may be directed to the CCSI via email at or

Four Student Leaders Explain Their Commitment to Serving the Community

Student leaders Derricha Joseph Taylor (left) and Maria Jose Fernandez share with Founders’ Day of Service participants their reasons for serving the community. Daryle Pyles Jr. and Samuel Vilmeau also articulated what service means to them.

To Samuel Vilmeau, service means “showing compassion, showing a community that they aren’t alone in their times of inequality and injustice, that there are people like them and alongside them fighting for a better future.”

A junior majoring in sports and exercise sciences, Samuel is one of four Barry Service Corps (BSC) fellows who recently explained their commitment to serving the community. The student leaders spoke in front of university leaders on Founders’ Day of Service earlier this month.

As Derricha Joseph Taylor, Daryle Pyles Jr., and Maria Jose Fernandez also did, Samuel emphasized the importance of service and thanked fellow students for turning out to participate in the day of service.

“Today, as fellows [in the Barry Service Corps], we are excited to work alongside you, helping our community,” Maria told her college-mates.

“A little help goes a long way,” Derricha noted as she made clear her reason for engaging in community service.

BSC fellows form the civic leadership squad within the Barry Service Corps. They work within teams to collaborate with community organizations, support community engagement programs, and develop civic leadership skills. Fellows practice advocacy, activism, and community organizing, and they take other pathways to social change, while addressing issues related to globalization, educational equity, civic health, and food security.

“As a Barry Service Corps fellow,” Samuel said, “I support my justice team in tackling food insecurity within our community. … Service to me is being human and showing compassion. … To me, service is a hands-on approach to creating the future my family dreamed of creating when we came to America.”

Develop Potential and Create Opportunities

In her remarks, Maria pointed out that engagement through community service is important to her because she wants to help people in need. She also wants to work with others to address various issues that affect the society.

“We must care about others and help them to develop their potential and create opportunities,” the student leader suggested.

A sophomore majoring in public relations and advertising, Maria mentioned that she was from Honduras and that she had a longtime desire to work for her community and help people in need.

“I was engaged in working in the rural areas of my hometown with the help of medical brigades,” she said, recalling life in her native Honduras. “Engaging and caring about others have helped me grow as a human being and identify the biggest issues and challenges that affect daily our societies.”

As a BSC fellow, Maria is a member of the Global Citizenship team. Global citizens champion fundamental human rights for all and seek fairness for immigrants.

BSC Fellow Samuel Vilmeau shares with dozens of students, as well as university administrators, why he engages in community service.

For Derricha Joseph Taylor, the ingrained habit of lending a helping hand is constantly motivating. “This stems from the way I was raised,” she said. “I was taught to help those at any cost when and if you can, and to never leave others stranded when you have the ability to assist.”

Like Maria Jose Fernandez, Derricha serves on the social justice team focused on global citizenship. “Together we stand to seek to end economic injustice and human rights violations,” Derricha noted.

“I engage in community service because I feel as if a little help goes a long way,” Derricha declared. “Working together with others to complete a memorable goal is something I’ve always felt like what was destined for me.”

A junior majoring in business management, she added: “One of my long-term goals is to open up my own mental health resource facility to those in need. The resource facility will consist of volunteers like myself to assist with … groceries, human resources, hygiene products, or even just advice and guidance.”

Student leader Daryle Pyles Jr. expresses his commitment to civic engagement and to promoting “people power.” Barry’s President, Dr. Mike Allen, and Associate Provost, Dr. Victor Romano, were among university leaders in attendance.

Expressing his commitment to civic engagement, Daryle Pyles Jr. stressed the importance of collective efforts to address social issues and bring about social change.

He said: “I believe community service is important. It’s times like this where people can come together and make connections with each other, which not only contributes to what makes us human but also gives rise to something that I recently learned is called ‘people power.’ Our combined efforts and motive to make change are what give life to the vision of a better … community [locally] but also on a global scale.”

A junior majoring in psychology, Daryle told fellow students earlier that his work with the Center for Community Service Initiatives “focuses on addressing social and institutional changes for issues such as gun violence and environmental sustainability” in Miami-Dade.

President Allen thanked the student leaders for articulating their contributions to fulfilling Barry’s core commitments of social justice and collaborative service.

Among university leaders in attendance were Dr. Scott Smith, vice president, and Dr. Roxanne Davies, associate vice president for mission and student engagement.

Founders’ Day of Service marked the start of Barry Founders’ Week 2021. Students, together with faculty and staff members, gathered in the Roussell Dining Hall before taking to the service sites in La Paloma, North Miami, and Miami Shores.

Journal Article Describes Barry’s Social Justice-Focused Civic Leadership Program

“Implementing an Experiential Learning Program Focused on Civic Leadership to Produce Social Justice Outcomes” is the title of a just-published article by Glenn A. Bowen and Courtney A. Berrien of the CCSI.

Published in Experiential Learning & Teaching in Higher Education: A Journal for Engaged Educators, the article provides details of the Barry Service Corps Fellows Program. The article describes it as a civic learning and leadership development program aimed at cultivating civic mindedness and preparing students for social change roles in community settings.

According to the abstract, “Participating students tackle social issues as viewed through a systemic change lens; they explore the root causes of specific social issues and then work collaboratively with community partners to address those issues.”

Bowen and Berrien explain the practice-based approach to the program, summarize social justice outcomes, and delineate program implementation challenges encountered.

Community Partners Attend Professional Development Workshop on Logic Models

Community partners attending a professional development workshop on November 18 learned about logical models from a social work faculty member.

Dr. Eva Nowakowski-Sims

An associate professor of social work, Dr. Eva Nowakowski-Sims, presented logic models as an effective approach to program evaluation. She identified four types of evaluation: needs/assets assessment, process evaluation, outcome evaluation, and impact evaluation.

Dr. Nowakowski-Sims—who serves as the evaluation and assessment coordinator for the School of Social Work—explained that a logic model is a graphic depiction of shared relationships among the resources, activities, outputs, outcomes, and overall impact of a program. A logic model serves as a road map for getting to the intended effects of a program’s activities, she said.

The Community–Academic Partnerships Workshop, which was conducted virtually, replaced the Community Engagement Fair hosted by the CCSI.

CCSI Associate Director Courtney Berrien facilitated a workshop activity for the dozen or so community partners in attendance.

Earlier, Dr. Glenn Bowen, executive director of the CCSI, welcomed community partners to the workshop. And Dr. Heather Johnson Desiral, experiential learning coordinator, introduced the workshop presenter.

Community Engagement Educator is One of Seven Categories of Awards for Community Engagement

Community Engagement Awards: Submit a Nomination

Community Engagement Educator is one of seven categories of community engagement awards for which nominations are being accepted.

The Community Engagement Educator Award honors an employee for significant contributions to the institutionalization or enhancement of community engagement at Barry University. Winners of this award are faculty members, staff members, or administrators who have promoted institutional commitment to community engagement, contributed to campus–community partnerships, and supported students and colleagues in community engagement activities.

Students, faculty and staff members, and community partners are invited to submit nominations by the last Friday of January.

The 2021 winner of the Community Engagement Educator Award was Dr. Jalane Meloun, professor of administration in the Adrian Dominican School of Education. Previous winners were Dr. Lilia DiBello (Education) and Dr. Sean D. Foreman (Political Science) in 2020; Dr. Anthony Sadler (Business) and Dr. Lauren Shure (Education) in 2019; Fabio Naranjo (Social Work) in 2018; Dr. Stephanie Bingham (Biology) and Dr. Marc Lavallee (Theology and Philosophy) in 2017; Dr. Ricardo Jimenez (Mathematics and Computer Science) in 2016; Steffano Montano (Theology and Philosophy) in 2015; and Dr. Philip H. Mann (Business) in 2014.

The CCSI will host Barry’s Ninth Annual Community Engagement Awards Ceremony on March 30.

Nominations are being accepted also in six other categories: Community Impact, Community Partnerships, Community-Based Research, Community-Engaged Scholarship, Service-Learning Faculty, and Engaged Department.

The nomination forms are available at the CCSI website. For additional information, contact the CCSI via email,

A Pictorial Look Back at Founders’ Day of Service at Hubert O. Sibley K–8 Academy

Big Brothers Big Sisters Buccaneer Partnership


Community Engagement News

ANCHOR INSTITUTION FRAMEWORK: The Faculty Learning Community for Engaged Scholarship has taken a preliminary look at the “anchor institution framework” for university–community engagement.

CAMPUS COMPACT EXECUTIVE’S VISIT: The vice president for network leadership at Campus Compact visited Barry University’s main campus recently.

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AWARDS: Service-Learning Faculty is one of the seven categories of community engagement awards for which nominations are being accepted.

Community Engagement News is a publication of the Center for Community Service Initiatives.

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