General Information

Summer 2025

Administrative Offices Hours

Offices are open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday unless otherwise stated.

Barry University Student Number

All students must have a Barry University Student Number to complete registration. A Barry University student number is assigned by the Office of the Enrollment Services.

Class Schedule Validity

Schedules appearing in this bulletin were valid at the time of publication. Barry University reserves the right to add, delete, or change without notice, any information pertaining to course offerings, requirements or locations which are published in this announcement. Barry University also reserves the right to cancel any class or section, where enrollment is not sufficient. Full refunds are made when a class is canceled.

Credit/No-Credit Option

This option may not apply to courses in the student's major/minor or to courses required for professional preparation. The student must elect the option at the time of registration; any changes must be made within the regularly scheduled period for class adjustments.

Day Codes

M=Monday, T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, TH=Thursday, F=Friday, S=Saturday, SU= Sunday.


A student who expects to graduate at the end of the Summer I 2025 semester must submit application no later than March 1, 2025. A student who expects to graduate at the end of the Summer II 2025 semester must submit application no later than March 1, 2025. A non-refundable Graduation Application Fee applies. Deadlines will be strictly enforced. Incomplete grades assigned in the semester of graduation will result in postponement of graduation. Upon completion of the course, the student must reapply for the next graduation date.


Only in an emergency situation may a student request an incomplete "I" grade. It is the student's responsibility to arrange with the instructor for satisfactory completion of course requirements. An incomplete grade must be redeemed within the semester following its receipt, unless otherwise stated, or the student will be automatically awarded a final grade of "F". "I" grades, even when redeemed are part of the official transcript.


Nineteen Credits 

Students wishing to register for 19 credits or more must have the approval of both their advisor and the appropriate dean. The part-time tuition rate will be charged per credit in excess of 18 credits. Tuition information can be found at:

Repeating Course for a Better Grade

Undergraduate students, please select the following link to view the course repeat policy -

Graduate students, please select the following link to view the course repeat policy -

Barry University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, sex, national or ethnic origin, and physical limitation. This includes policies and procedures related to membership on the Board of Trustees, the educational program, employment and personnel practices, admission, scholarship/grant/loan awards, and participation in athletic and other student activities.

Other Costs

  • All undergraduate students taking 9 or more credit hours in Fall and Spring and 6 credits in Summer and Graduate students taking 4 or more credit hours per semester are billed for and automatically enrolled in the United Healthcare Student Resources student insurance plan at registration, unless proof of comparable coverage in the State of Florida is furnished on a hard waiver basis. All undergraduate nursing majors, all Division of Medicine, Physician Assistant and Anesthesia are automatically billed for and enrolled in this insurance plan at registration, unless proof of comparable coverage is furnished on a hard waiver basis. To request to have their private insurance considered and the insurance charge removed, students must complete an insurance waiver online at within the first 30 days of the semester. The waiver is available 24-48 hours after registration is processed.

  • Nurses: Discounts are available for some graduate nursing programs; please refer to the program website or contact the program of your interest.

    Clergy/Religious: Members of religious communities are entitled to a 30% reduction on tuition. Proof of affiliation is required at each registration.


    • Various tuition discounts or discounted/special tuition rates exist in other schools of the University. Please inquire within each school for details.
    • Discounts do not apply if tuition is paid through a grant or other subsidy, nor do they apply to discounted tuition, or to programs with special rates.
    • Discounts are not applied retroactively.
  • For details, please visit:

    Undergraduate Students:   

    Graduate Students:

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