Florida Prepaid Program

Student Accounts

The Florida Prepaid College Plan is a program through which families prepay for their child’s education at a guaranteed fixed rate. It is guaranteed by the State of Florida. This program began in 1988 and is the largest Prepaid tuition plan in the country.

The Program at Barry University

  • Students must submit a Transfer Authorization request at Florida Prepaid before benefits will be paid. Transfer Authorizations may be submitted online by the Account Owner or the Beneficiary. Please log in to your account at myfloridaprepaid.com/my-account, choose the Plan Details tab and click on See Usage.
  • It is important to note that the Transfer Form will require you to select how Florida Prepaid will make payments to Barry University, either Restricted or Unrestricted. Since private schools have different tuition rates than state public schools, Florida Prepaid can either pay the equivalent of the state public school rate for the number of credit hours enrolled or pay the actual invoiced amount, up to the entire value of the plan.
  • An Unrestricted payment option can deplete your plan at a much faster rate than a Restricted payment option, since it will be paying the actual invoiced amounts rather than number of credit hours enrolled.
  • Students wishing to use Florida Prepaid will need to fill out Barry University’s Florida Prepaid College Program Payment Authorization Form every semester/term.
  • Students do not need to bring their Florida Prepaid cards to Student Accounts to verify participation

Florida Prepaid Rates

Current Florida Prepaid Rates

  • Tuition Rate $116.70 per credit
  • Dormitory Plan $3,681.68 per semester/term
  • Local Fees Rate $37.40

Links to Florida Prepaid

Florida Prepaid Forms

Florida Prepaid (FLPP) Billing Process and Submission Deadlines

Student Accounts has updated the Florida Prepaid (FLPP) billing process to improve timeliness and communication. Please review the following guidelines for submitting your FLPP authorization forms each term.


First Day of Submission

Suggested Submission Deadline

Spring 2025



Summer A



Summer B



Fall 2025



Please note that the dates above do not apply to mini sessions. To bill FLPP for mini-session courses, submit your request no earlier than two weeks before the session start date.

Recommended FLPP Submission Deadlines

Each term, Student Accounts will post a recommended deadline for submitting FLPP authorization forms for each term. While forms can be submitted after this date, meeting the recommended deadline helps ensure:
  1. Deferred Payment Plan Enrollment – Early submission supports timely invoicing and helps avoid late payment fees.
  2. Timely FLPP Coverage – Submitting forms by the deadline allows for timely billing to try and ensure that FLPP funds are received and applied  to a student’s account before final payment deadlines, reducing potential account balance issues.

Please note that students are responsible for covering any remaining tuition balance not covered by FLPP or financial aid by the payment deadline.

FLPP Forms Accepted Only for the Current Term

Student Accounts will only accept FLPP forms for the current term. We will not bill for prior terms unless the student's FLPP account is unrestricted, in which case we may accept and attempt to bill for one term back. Otherwise, retroactive billing is not permitted.

New Billing Policy: Two Attempts Per Semester

To streamline processing, each student is allowed two billing attempts per semester:

  1. First Attempt – After submitting your FLPP authorization form, we will initiate billing. If the invoice is denied, you will receive a notification with guidance on resolving the issue with FLPP before resubmitting.
  2. Second Attempt – After resolving any issues with FLPP, you may submit a new authorization form with an updated date. If the second attempt is also denied, no further billing attempts will be made for that semester, and you will need to contact FLPP directly for assistance.

Important Note on Billing and Payment Guarantees

Submitting an FLPP form does not guarantee payment, as Florida Prepaid may deny payment at any time. It is the responsibility of the beneficiary or account holder to verify with Florida Prepaid that their account is in good standing before submitting FLPP forms each term.

Three-Strike Rule for Repeated Denials

If a student has two denied billing attempts in one semester, followed by a denial in a future term, they will be placed on a “three-strike” status. After three denials across terms, Student Accounts will no longer process FLPP billing requests for that student, who should work directly with FLPP for further support.

For questions, please contact Student Accounts at studentaccounts@barry.edu. These updates are intended to make managing tuition payments with FLPP easier and more efficient.

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