Earn your Master's Degree in Occupational Therapy

College of Health Professions & Medical Sciences

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About the Program Transform Lives with an MS in Occupational Therapy

The Occupational Therapy Program at Barry University offers an innovative curriculum that leads to a Master of Science degree and prepares you for certification as a registered occupational therapist. On-campus weekend and online sessions are scheduled every semester, so that adults may continue to work or raise their families while preparing for a professional career.

The curriculum is organized in two sequences of courses, the Clinical Foundations and the Advanced Professional Skills. The Clinical Foundations sequence comprises three semesters of clinical coursework.The clinical foundation courses must be taken in sequence. They are followed by the Advanced Professional Skills sequence, which includes three semesters of coursework in advanced topics, leadership and research, including a capstone project. Students then complete 2 semesters of full time equivalent level II clinical experiences.

  • The program integrates face to face and distance education.
  • The Program’s sequential design prevents transfer of credits from coursework outside of the curriculum. Only 6 credits of graduate work from another occupational therapy program may be evaluated for transfer equivalence. No credit is awarded for work experience.
  • Prospective students are expected to have access to and be competent in using computers, including but not limited to word processing and video conferencing software.
  • Students are required to have computer access and web cam.
  • The faculty at Barry University work as occupational therapists, while teaching on weekends. Their dedication to alternative education for adult learners makes them unique.
  • All students are required to complete Level II background checks prior to fieldwork placements. An individual with a felony conviction or positive finding in the drug screening test may be denied participation in fieldwork and eligibility for national certification and credentialing impacted.
View Curriculum Student Responsibilities


  • quotation

    Melisa Conti, Class of 2018

    I am a lifelong learner and this program fostered and fueled my love for learning. One truly unique aspect of the program is the diverse backgrounds of the students (teachers, occupational therapy assistants, IT professionals, and more). This made for having higher level classroom discussions.

  • quotation

    Karen Hoglund, Occupational Therapist

    The program’s academic and clinical training allowed me to enter this distinctive profession fully prepared and with confidence. The professors and support staff helped me to identify and further develop the life skills I already had to become the professional occupational therapist I set out to be!

  • quotation

    Jamie Williams, Occupational Therapy Student

    It's worth commuting from Louisiana twice a month for the unique experience of working full-time and going to school on the weekends. I get the best of both worlds!

  • quotation

    Laura Polsky, Occupational therapy student

    I chose the occupational therapy profession because I enjoy working with people and watching them progress to a better life. When I graduate, I plan to continue working with the traumatic brain-injured population in a community re-entry setting.


Barry University's Occupational Therapy Program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), located at 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 510E, Bethesda, MD 20814. AOTA's phone number is (301) 652-6611.

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Graduation, Retention Rates, and NBCOT Certification Exam Outcomes: 2022-2024

Graduation Year
# of graduates
Graduation Rate
Retention Rate
NBCOT Passing Rate
2022 45 97.82% 100% 88%
2023 35 97% 95.24% 83%
2024 27 100% 83.3% TBD
Total/Average 107 97.37% 96.19% 85.5
Graduation Year
# of graduates
Graduation Rate
Retention Rate
NBCOT Passing Rate
# of graduates 45 Graduation Rate 97.82% Retention Rate 100% NBCOT Passing Rate 88%
# of graduates 35 Graduation Rate 97% Retention Rate 95.24% NBCOT Passing Rate 83%
# of graduates 27 Graduation Rate 100% Retention Rate 83.3% NBCOT Passing Rate TBD
# of graduates 107 Graduation Rate 97.37% Retention Rate 96.19% NBCOT Passing Rate 85.5

Retention rate of 2022-2024: 96.19%; Graduation rate of 2022-2024: 97.27%

NBCOT passing rate is accessible through NBCOT.org  

Barry University is dedicated to your success! Information Sessions

We offer convenience virtual info sessions customized to your needs, walking you through our admission process and providing additional program information. Learn about the application process and admission requirements for all Occupational Therapy programs.

OT (MS) Program FAQs

  • No, GRE is not required for admission.

  • We do not accept on-line kinesiology courses. A course that allows you to perform the skills hands-on in the classroom will provide you a better foundation for the program’s coursework.

  • All pre-requisites for admission must be completed prior to the start of the program in the fall. However, you may apply to the program if a course is in progress and expected to be completed before the deadline. The Kinesiology pre-requisite course is required to have been taken within 5 years of application date.

  • There are two levels of fieldwork required in the program (level I and level II). Level I fieldwork experiences involve 3 x five days of observation at clinical sites. Level II fieldwork experiences consist of 2 x12 weeks of full time practice at designated placements. Both types of fieldwork experiences are completed during regular week days business hours.

  • The university has housing available. You would need to contact the office of Housing and Residence Life to discuss availability.

  • Only degrees from national or international accredited institutions are accepted.

  • Barry offers Anatomy and Physiology courses. Check the Barry University Undergraduate Catalog for course offerings.

  • Observation hours or volunteer work in an occupational therapy clinic are recommended but not required.

Discover the Power of Occupational Therapy

Explore a career in Occupational Therapy. Learn about the profession and discover how your unique background qualifies you for our MS program.

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Top Stories

  • Barry University Shapes Luis Cruz’s Path to Innovation in Occupational Therapy October 03, 2024

    Luis credits his success to Barry University’s OT program, stating: “It changed my approach in many ways: the structured program, professional faculty, and well-planned schedules, which allowed me to balance work, family, and school.” This balance of theory and practice helped Luis develop his skills and excel in various clinical environments.

  • Innovative Assistive Devices Designed by Occupational Therapy Students June 25, 2024

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Admissions Overview Getting Started

Congratulations on taking the first step to pursue your passion, advance your career, and make a difference in your community. We are committed to assist each student through the admission process.

Whether you transition straight from undergraduate studies to a graduate program or have been out of school for some time, we offer a welcoming and professional environment for graduate study.

With small class sizes, there is a considerable amount of personalized attention from your faculty and opportunities to build strong relationships with fellow classmates. 

The Masters in Occupational Therapy Program only accepts students once a year to begin in the Fall term. Application deadline is April 01.

Admissions Requirements Graduation Requirements

Admissions Overview International Student FAQs

If you are an international student, applying as early as possible is in your best interest in order to allow ample time for immigration processing. Please be aware that admission to Barry University does not guarantee that you will be granted a student visa by the United States Embassy or Consulate in your country of origin.

View FAQs

Occupational Therapy (MS) Tuition & Fees



Program Fees


Student Services Fee







Background Check


Total Cost


* rates do not include transportation, living expenses or supplies.

Other University fees

Transcript Fee
Graduation application
Late registration
Late payment (non-refundable)
Health insurance
* tuition and fees are subject to change


Program Fees


Student Services Fee







Background Check


Total Cost


* rates do not include transportation, living expenses or supplies.

Other University fees

Transcript Fee
Graduation application
Late registration
Late payment (non-refundable)
Health insurance
* tuition and fees are subject to change

Financial Aid Affordable for you

At BarryU, our tuition is competitive, affordable and still promises all the perks of a private school education. Our cost per credit is in-line with other institutions, but we offer a mission-driven educational experience and provide our students with small class sizes, personalized attention, and academic excellence. Scholarships, graduate assistantships, and financial aid can also be explored to help offset overall costs.

Barry University participates in the full array of federal and state financial aid programs. At Barry, we are committed to doing all we can to help you finance your education.

Barry University's Financial Aid staff will assist you through the financial aid application process.

Financial Aid Programs

Apply Now! Cost of Attendance

You can use the Barry University Scholarship System to find other scholarship opportunities that you may be eligible to receive:

  • Answer as many questions as you like—the more questions answered, the more scholarships you’re matched to
  • Be automatically considered for many of the scholarships available at Barry University
  • Do a keyword search for scholarships and review the criteria to see if your qualifications are a match

The scholarships are funded through contributions from private donors, alumni, faculty, staff, parents, campus organizations, and corporations.

Barry University Scholarships

Experiential Learning Fieldwork

National accreditation standards require Level I and Level II Fieldwork experiences for all entry-level occupational therapy students.

Level I Fieldwork (FWI) experiences are integrated within academic courses throughout the program. They are designed to introduce students to the values and traditions of the profession, and to provide opportunities to build skills in observation, interview, activity analysis, and critical thinking. The academic fieldwork coordinator places each student in a variety of settings for five days during each of the first fall, spring and summer semesters. Students work alongside professional personnel who provide services to children with special needs, adults with psychosocial or cognitive limitations, and/or aged persons. .

Level II Fieldwork (FWII) experiences are a fundamental component of students’ overall education. Placements are arranged by the Academic Fieldwork Coordinator. The goal of Level II Fieldwork is to develop competent, entry-level, generalist occupational therapists. Level II Fieldwork promotes clinical reasoning and reflective practice, transmits the values and beliefs that enable ethical practice, and develops professionalism and competence as career responsibilities. These experiences are a commitment commensurate to a full-time job. Entry-level students are required to complete two separate full-time equivalent 12 weeks placements in a general rehabilitation setting and in a practice area of interest. All Level II Fieldwork must be successfully completed within 24 months after academic coursework is completed.

View Fieldwork Requirements

National accreditation standards require Level I and Level II Fieldwork experiences for all entry-level occupational therapy students.

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