College of Health Professions & Medical Sciences Explore Careers in Sport and Exercise Sciences
The Sport and Exercise Sciences (SES) Programs contribute to research-based evidence and generate new knowledge in their respective academic fields by producing high-quality research that is locally and internationally relevant and ethically responsible. Scientific inquiry within SES develops students’ perspectives about themselves and the world around them, while fostering new and creative ways of thinking. It is also the foundation upon which professional practice knowledge, essential for success in a career, is constructed.
SES programs offer professional preparation for students seeking career opportunities in allied health, human performance, and sport related areas. Available undergraduate programs are Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology & Sport Sciences and Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology. Minors in Coaching, Exercise Physiology, and Sport, Exercise, & Performance Psychology are also available. Seamless BS-to-MS programs are offered in Kinesiology and Sport Sciences, and Exercise Physiology. Graduate degree offerings include Kinesiology and Human Performance (KHP), KHP with Specialization in Sport, Exercise, & Performance Psychology (SEPP), and a Dual Degree - Master of KHP with Specialization in SEPP and Master of Business Administration (MBA).
We aspire to be the program of choice for students majoring in sport and exercise sciences who desire an international, premium, ethically-based, and market-related education.